27 measures found
measure CITO score
Study: Netherlands Twin Register Mode of collection: MeasurementsAndTests Behavioral/cognitive task Available measurements: Young Netherlands Twin Register YS_12 YS_TRF12 YS_DHBQP YS_DHBQ14 YS_DHBQ16 YS_DHBQ18 YC_BS1 YC_BS2 YE_ATTEF2 YS_CITO YS_DT YS_TRIP age 12The CITO-test is a standardized test for educational achievement that is administered in the final grade (when children are 11 or 12 years old) of elementary school. The CITO-test consists of multiple choice items in 4 different educational skills, namely Arithmetic, Language, Study Skills, and Science and Social Studies. All scores on the scales are...Created October 17, 2024 • Updated October 20, 2024 -
measure Cyberball Task
Study: Generation R Mode of collection: MeasurementsAndTests Behavioral/cognitive task Available measurements: Generation R 9-10 yearsThe Cyberball task is a computerized game used to study the effects of social exclusion on individuals. Participants play a virtual ball-tossing game with other players, who are actually controlled by the computer. The participant is sometimes excluded from the game.Created October 17, 2024 • Updated October 20, 2024 -
measure Shortened Nonword Repetition Task (NWR-S)
Study: Generation R Mode of collection: MeasurementsAndTests Behavioral/cognitive task Available measurements: Generation R 9-10 yearsThe Nonword Repetition Task assesses interactions between the auditory system, phonological representations, articulation, vocabulary, and literacy. During the task, children are asked to repeat nonwords of two, three, four or five syllables with differing phonotactic probabilities. The original NWR task consists of 40 nonwords, whereas the short version...Created October 17, 2024 • Updated October 20, 2024 -
measure Columbia Card Task (CCT)
Study: Generation R Mode of collection: MeasurementsAndTests Behavioral/cognitive task Available measurements: Generation R 9-10 yearsThe Columbia Card Task (CCT) is a psychological test that measures cognitive functions related to executive functioning, such as planning, set shifting, decision-making, and inhibitory control. During the CCT, participants are presented with a deck of cards and are required to sort the cards based on different categories, with the rules for sorting...Created October 17, 2024 • Updated October 20, 2024 -
measure Finger tapping task
Study: Generation R Mode of collection: MeasurementsAndTests Behavioral/cognitive task Available measurements: Generation R 9-10 yearsThe Finger Tapping Task is a computerized task that assesses motor control, speed and lateralized coordination. During the task, children have to tap switching between their right, left, or both index fingers as quickly as possible for 10 seconds. A total of five trials are measured, starting with a visual and an auditory queue. The total number of finger...Created October 17, 2024 • Updated October 20, 2024 -
measure Reading the Mind in the Eyes Test (RMET)
Study: Generation R Mode of collection: MeasurementsAndTests Behavioral/cognitive task Available measurements: Generation R 9-10 yearsThe Reading the Mind in the Eyes Test (RMET) assesses the ability to recognize complex mental states as expressed by human eyes. Participants pick one of four options (e.g. puzzled, nervous, insisting or contemplative) which they think best describes what the person in each photograph is thinking or feeling.Created October 17, 2024 • Updated October 20, 2024 -
measure Walking Backwards task
Study: Generation R Mode of collection: MeasurementsAndTests Behavioral/cognitive task Available measurements: Generation R 9-10 yearsThe Walking Backwards task (Rückwärts Balancieren) from the Body Coordination Test for Children (Korperkoordinationstest für Kinder) assesses balancing ability. Children are asked to walk backwards on three different balance beams. They start with a forwards practice, after which they have to walk backwards twice.Created October 17, 2024 • Updated October 20, 2024 -
measure Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC-R)
Study: TRAILS Mode of collection: MeasurementsAndTests Behavioral/cognitive task Available measurements: Population cohort POP - T1
Clinical cohort CC - T1The Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC) is an IQ test for children 6-17 years of age to determine general intelligence. It generates a full scale IQ (formerly known as an intelligence quotient or IQ score) that represents a child's general intellectual ability. The most common primary index scores are the Verbal Comprehension Index, the Visual...Created October 17, 2024 • Updated October 20, 2024 -
measure Amsterdam Neuropsychological Tasks (ANT)
Study: TRAILS Mode of collection: MeasurementsAndTests Behavioral/cognitive task Available measurements: Population cohort POP - T1 POP - T4
Clinical cohort CC - T1 CC - T4The Amsterdam Neuropsychological Tasks (ANT) are computerized executive functioning tasks. The ANTs measure a diverse range of executive functions, including attention, working memory, and inhibition.Created October 17, 2024 • Updated October 20, 2024 -
measure Social Network Aggression Task (SNAT)
Study: L-CID Mode of collection: MeasurementsAndTests Behavioral/cognitive task Available measurements: Early Childhood Cohort ECC - T5
Middle Childhood Cohort MCC - T1 MCC - T3 MCC - T5 MCC - T7The Social Network Aggression Task (SNAT) aims to measure behavioral aggression following social feedback, by giving the child an opportunity to respond aggressively in response to different types of feedback provided by unknown peers.Created October 17, 2024 • Updated October 20, 2024 -
measure Sensorimotor Synchronization Task
Study: L-CID Mode of collection: MeasurementsAndTests Behavioral/cognitive task Available measurements: Middle Childhood Cohort MCC - T5The Sensorimotor Synchronization Task aims to assess the child's rhythmic coordination of perception and action. During the task, the child is instructed to compare rhythms and judge whether sounds are in sync with a given rhythm.Created October 17, 2024 • Updated October 20, 2024 -
measure Altruistic Punishment/Compensation Game
Study: L-CID Mode of collection: MeasurementsAndTests Behavioral/cognitive task Available measurements: Middle Childhood Cohort MCC - T5-Covid MCC - T6The Altruistic Punishment/Compensation Game (APCG) measures prosocial and altruistic behavior by giving the child the option to altruistically compensate/punish someone who was excluded/who excluded an other player during the Prosocial Cyberball Game.Created October 17, 2024 • Updated October 20, 2024 -
measure Social Network Aggression Task (SNAT) - Stories
Study: L-CID Mode of collection: MeasurementsAndTests Behavioral/cognitive task Available measurements: Early Childhood Cohort ECC - T6
Middle Childhood Cohort MCC - T2 MCC - T4The Social Network Aggression Task (SNAT) - Stories is a story-based version of the Social Network Aggression Task. It aims to measure behavioral aggression following social feedback, by giving the child an opportunity to respond aggressively in response to different types of feedback provided by unknown peers.Created October 17, 2024 • Updated October 20, 2024 -
measure Delay Discounting - Money
Study: L-CID Mode of collection: MeasurementsAndTests Behavioral/cognitive task Available measurements: Early Childhood Cohort ECC - T6
Middle Childhood Cohort MCC - T2 MCC - T3 MCC - T4 MCC - T5 MCC - T6 MCC - T7The Delay Discounting - Money (hypothetical) task is a delay gratification task that aims to measure impulsivity (behavioral control) by giving the child the option to either receive a small amount of money now or more money later.Created October 17, 2024 • Updated October 20, 2024 -
measure Stop-Signal Task - Arrows
Study: L-CID Mode of collection: MeasurementsAndTests Behavioral/cognitive task Available measurements: Early Childhood Cohort ECC - T5 ECC - T6
Middle Childhood Cohort MCC - T1 MCC - T2 MCC - T3 MCC - T4 MCC - T5 MCC - T7The Stop-Signal Task - Arrows aims to measure behavioral inhibition by having the child inhibit their reaction in response to a quickly appearing signal. During the task, left- and right-pointing arrows appear on the screen. When the arrow points left, the child has to press the left button, and when the arrow points right, the child has to press the...Created October 17, 2024 • Updated October 20, 2024 -
measure Donating Task - Money
Study: L-CID Mode of collection: MeasurementsAndTests Behavioral/cognitive task Available measurements: Early Childhood Cohort ECC - T5 ECC - T6
Middle Childhood Cohort MCC - T1 MCC - T2 MCC - T3 MCC - T4 MCC - T5 MCC - T6The Donating Task aims to measure costly prosocial behavior by giving a child the option to donate money to charities or to keep it for themselves. Children are shown a short video from a charity organization on a computer, such as Unicef, SOS Kinderdorpen, or Liliane Fonds. The video features the life of a poor, malnourished child in a developing...Created October 17, 2024 • Updated October 20, 2024 -
measure Prosocial Cyberball Game (PCG)
Study: L-CID Mode of collection: MeasurementsAndTests Behavioral/cognitive task Available measurements: Early Childhood Cohort ECC - T5
Middle Childhood Cohort MCC - T1 MCC - T3 MCC - T5The Prosocial Cyberball Game (PCG) measures prosocial behavior related to empathy when seeing that someone is being socially excluded. In the game, children play a (digital) ball-tossing game with peers. In the first block of the game, all children typically receive the ball an equal amount of time. In the second block of the game, one of the peers is...Created October 17, 2024 • Updated October 20, 2024 -
measure Prosocial Cyberball Game (PCG) - Stories
Study: L-CID Mode of collection: MeasurementsAndTests Behavioral/cognitive task Available measurements: Middle Childhood Cohort MCC - T2 MCC - T4 MCC - T6The Prosocial Cyberball Game (PCG) measures prosocial behavior related to empathy when seeing that someone is being socially excluded. In the game, children play a (digital) ball-tossing game with peers. In the first block of the game, all children typically receive the ball an equal amount of time. In the second block of the game, one of the peers is...Created October 17, 2024 • Updated October 20, 2024 -
measure Prosocial Cyberball Game (PCG)
Study: YOUth Mode of collection: MeasurementsAndTests Behavioral/cognitive task Available measurements: Child and Adolescent 9 years 12 yearsThe Prosocial Cyberball Game (PCG) measures prosocial behavior related to empathy when seeing that someone is being socially excluded. In the game, children play a (digital) ball-tossing game with peers. In the first block of the game, all children typically receive the ball an equal amount of time. In the second block of the game, one of the peers is...Created October 17, 2024 • Updated October 20, 2024 -
measure Trust game
Study: YOUth Mode of collection: MeasurementsAndTests Behavioral/cognitive task Available measurements: Child and Adolescent 9 years 12 yearsThe trust game tests participants’ willingness to trust others and reciprocate other’s trusts in a social context, both of which serve as proxies for perspective taking. The game consists of multiple rounds, in which two players take turns in dividing a sum of money. The first player (either the participant or a simulated player) gets two options on how...Created October 17, 2024 • Updated October 20, 2024