Trust game

The trust game tests participants’ willingness to trust others and reciprocate other’s trusts in a social context, both of which serve as proxies for perspective taking. The game consists of multiple rounds, in which two players take turns in dividing a sum of money. The first player (either the participant or a simulated player) gets two options on how to divide a sum of money: make a pre-defined selection, or let player 2 decide how to distribute the money and thus trusting player 2, in which case the total to be divided money is tripled. Player 2 then receives two options of how to distribute the money: either both players end up with a fair share, or player 2 keeps everything.

In YOUth, the participant always started as player 2 (block design), as to focus on reciprocity (i.e. willingness to return favors). Trial manipulations were whether the pre-defined distribution for Player 1 at the first stage was relatively high or low, compared to what the other player received and whether the stakes at the start were small or large. Participants were told that they would receive the money from a few waves that is randomly sampled from all waves. However, each participant received a fixed amount of €1,50.

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  • Child and Adolescent

  • 9 years
  •   C
    8.0 - 10.0 years   From 2016-03-14 to 2020-04-14

  • 12 years
  •   C
    11.0 - 16.0 years   From 2019-07-04 to 2022-12-01

    Mode of collection MeasurementsAndTests    Behavioral/cognitive task
    Analysis unit Individual
    Instrument name Trust game
    Measure name Trust game
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