12 measures found
measure Forward Color Recall Task
Study: Generation R Mode of collection: MeasurementsAndTests Behavioral/cognitive task Available measurements: Generation R 4 yearsThe Forward Color Recall task assesses short-term memory in 8 test trials, of which 4 sections are repeated twice. In the task, the child is presented with two circles of colors, and then has to identify the color from a five-color wheel. The test stops if the child fails a trial twice. The total error score can vary between 0 and 8.Created October 17, 2024 • Updated October 20, 2024 -
measure Emotion recognition tasks
Study: Generation R Mode of collection: MeasurementsAndTests Behavioral/cognitive task Available measurements: Generation R 3 yearsChildren's ability to recognize facial emotion (happiness, sadness, anger, and fear) was assessed during a visit to the research centre at the age of 3. The assessment involved a nonverbal emotion-matching task and a verbal emotion-labelling task. In the emotion-matching task, children had to match a face expressing a specific emotion with one of two...Created October 17, 2024 • Updated October 20, 2024 -
measure Parent Report Children's Abilities (PARCA) - abbreviated version
Study: Generation R Mode of collection: SelfAdministeredQuestionnaire MeasurementsAndTests Behavioral/cognitive task Available measurements: Generation R 2 years 2.5 yearsThe Parent Report of Children's Abilities (PARCA) is a questionnaire used to assess the developmental progress in areas such as communication, socialization, self-help skills, and cognitive abilities of children aged 1-4 years. Parents received a questionnaire with 9 wooden cubes to administer several playful tasks with their child. The PARCA consists of...Created October 17, 2024 • Updated October 20, 2024 -
measure Auditory Continuous Performance Test for Preschoolers (ACPT-P)
Study: Generation R Mode of collection: MeasurementsAndTests Behavioral/cognitive task Available measurements: Generation R 4 yearsThe Auditory Continuous Performance Test for Preschoolers (ACPT-P) is a tool used to assess the auditory attention and sustained attention abilities of preschool-aged children. It involves a series of auditory stimuli presented to the child, and the child is required to respond to specific target stimuli, and repress their response for others (go-no go).Created October 17, 2024 • Updated October 20, 2024 -
measure Prosocial Cyberball Game (PCG) - Owl task
Study: L-CID Mode of collection: MeasurementsAndTests Behavioral/cognitive task Available measurements: Early Childhood Cohort ECC - T1 ECC - T2 ECC - T3 ECC - T4The Prosocial Cyberball Game (PCG) measures prosocial behavior related to empathy when seeing that someone is being socially excluded. In the game, children play a (digital) ball-tossing game with peers. In the first block of the game, all children typically receive the ball an equal amount of time. In the second block of the game, one of the peers is...Created October 17, 2024 • Updated October 20, 2024 -
measure Social Network Aggression Task (SNAT) - Early Childhood
Study: L-CID Mode of collection: MeasurementsAndTests Behavioral/cognitive task Available measurements: Early Childhood Cohort ECC - T2 ECC - T3The Social Network Aggression Task (SNAT) - Early Chilhood is an age-appropriate version of the Social Network Aggression Task. It aims to measure behavioral aggression following social feedback, by giving the child an opportunity to respond aggressively in response to different types of feedback provided by unknown peers.Created October 17, 2024 • Updated October 20, 2024 -
measure Sally-Ann Task
Study: L-CID Mode of collection: MeasurementsAndTests Behavioral/cognitive task Available measurements: Early Childhood Cohort ECC - T1 ECC - T2 ECC - T3 ECC - T4The Sally-Ann Task aims to measure a child's ability for Theory of Mind by asking them in which basket they think Sally will look for her ball, after Anne moved the ball from one basket into another while Sally was away.Created October 17, 2024 • Updated October 20, 2024 -
measure Donating Task - Stickers
Study: L-CID Mode of collection: MeasurementsAndTests Behavioral/cognitive task Available measurements: Early Childhood Cohort ECC - T1 ECC - T2 ECC - T3 ECC - T4The Donating Task - Stickers aims to measure costly prosocial behavior by giving a child the option to donate (some of) their stickers to another child or keep them for themselves. The child is told that the other same-sex child will participate in the research tomorrow. This other child will complete the same tasks, but they will not have any stickers....Created October 17, 2024 • Updated October 20, 2024 -
measure Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence (WPPSI)
Study: L-CID Mode of collection: MeasurementsAndTests Behavioral/cognitive task Available measurements: Early Childhood Cohort ECC - T2 ECC - T3 ECC - T4The Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence (WPPSI) is an IQ test for children 2.5 to 7.25 years of age to determine general intelligence. It uses subtests to determine a child's Verbal and Performance IQ scores, as well as processing speed.Created October 17, 2024 • Updated October 20, 2024 -
measure Stop-Signal Task - Cars
Study: L-CID Mode of collection: MeasurementsAndTests Behavioral/cognitive task Available measurements: Early Childhood Cohort ECC - T1 ECC - T2 ECC - T3 ECC - T4The Stop-Signal Task - Cars aims to measure behavioral inhibition by having the child inhibit their reaction in response to a quickly appearing signal. During the task, the child is instructed to touch a picture of a car appearing on the screen as quickly as possible, and to withhold touching the screen when a "Stop" sign appears. The child has to respond...Created October 17, 2024 • Updated October 20, 2024 -
measure Cheating - Ball Throwing
Study: L-CID Mode of collection: MeasurementsAndTests Behavioral/cognitive task Available measurements: Early Childhood Cohort ECC - T1The Cheating - Ball Throwing task aims to measure behavioral control by giving the child an opportunity to cheat while throwing a ball. During the game, children have to stay behind a line and can throw each ball only once. After the instructions, children practice the game with the research assistant. After the practice session, the research assistant...Created October 17, 2024 • Updated October 20, 2024 -
measure Peabody Picture Vocabulary Task (PPVT-III-NL)
Study: YOUth Mode of collection: MeasurementsAndTests Behavioral/cognitive task Available measurements: Baby and Child 3 years 6 years
Child and Adolescent 9 years 12 yearsThe Peabody-Picture vocabulary task (PPVT; Dunn and Dunn, 1981) is a widely used task to evaluate a participant’s vocabulary size for their age, and serves as a proxy of general language performance. It is normed for participants between 2 and 90 years old. On each trial, participants see an array of four pictures and hear a word that matches one of these...Created October 17, 2024 • Updated October 20, 2024