Cheating - Ball Throwing

The Cheating - Ball Throwing task aims to measure behavioral control by giving the child an opportunity to cheat while throwing a ball. During the game, children have to stay behind a line and can throw each ball only once. After the instructions, children practice the game with the research assistant. After the practice session, the research assistant moves the line further away from the board until the distance is approximately three meters, making it practically impossible for children to get a ball on the board without cheating.

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  • Early Childhood Cohort

  • ECC - T1
  •   C
    36 months - 5.0 years   From 2014-06-20 to 2015-12-08

    Mode of collection MeasurementsAndTests    Behavioral/cognitive task
    Analysis unit Individual
    Instrument name Cheating - Ball throwing
    Measure name Cheating - Ball Throwing
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