measure Inventory of Callous-Unemotional traits (ICU)
Study: Generation R Mode of collection: SelfAdministeredQuestionnaire Available measurements: Generation R 9-10 years 13-14 years 17-18 yearsThe Inventory of Callous-Unemotional traits (ICU) is a 24-item questionnaire that assesses callous and unemotional (CU) traits, a central feature of psychopathy, also known as abnormal affective empathy (Jones et al., 2010). CU traits are defined by a lack of empathy, guilt, remorse and emotion (Moran et al., 2009). The ICU has three subscales:...Created October 17, 2024 • Updated October 20, 2024 -
measure Prosocial Behavior
Study: RADAR Mode of collection: SelfAdministeredQuestionnaire Available measurements: Old Cohort RO - W5 RO - W6 RO - W7 RO - W8 RO - W9 RO - W10 RO - W11 RO - W12 RO - W13 RO - W14
Young Cohort RY - W1 RY - W2 RY - W3 RY - W4 RY - W5 RY - W6 RY - W7 RY - W8 RY - W9 RY - W10 RY - W11Prosocial Behavior (PB) assesses self-reported prosocial behavior with items such as "Usually I always fulfill my promises." and "I am willing to lend other people money if they really need it." It is based on the Self-report of Aggression and Social Behavior Measure by Morales & Crick and an adjusted version of Linder et al. (2002).Created October 17, 2024 • Updated October 20, 2024 -
measure Self-Report of Aggression and Social Behavior Measure (SRASBM)
Study: RADAR Mode of collection: SelfAdministeredQuestionnaire Available measurements: Old Cohort RO - W5 RO - W6 RO - W7 RO - W8 RO - W10 RO - W11
Young Cohort RY - W1 RY - W2 RY - W3 RY - W4 RY - W5 RY - W6 RY - W7 RY - W8The Self-Report of Aggression and Social Behavior Measure (SRASBM) assesses perpetrators and victims of proactive and reactive forms of overt and relational aggression. It includes nine subscales: Physical aggression total, Physical aggression proactive ("I try to get what I want by physically threatening someone."), Physical aggression reactive ("When...Created October 17, 2024 • Updated October 20, 2024 -
measure Facial Empathy task (EMP)
Study: RADAR Mode of collection: MeasurementsAndTests Behavioral/cognitive task EMG ECG Available measurements: Young Cohort RY - W5 RY - W6The Empathy Task (EMP) is a laboratory task that assesses motor, cognitive, and affective empathic responses, as well as heart rate reactivity by analyzing paticipants' responses during and after watching empathy-inducing video clips.Created October 17, 2024 • Updated October 20, 2024 -
measure Prosocial Behavior Questionnaire
Study: TRAILS Mode of collection: SelfAdministeredQuestionnaire Available measurements: Population cohort POP - T1 POP - T2 POP - T3
Clinical cohort CC - T1 CC - T2 CC - T3The Prosocial Behavior Questionnaire is a validated assessment of social competence that assesses the extent to which a child exhibits prosocial behaviors such as trying to stop a fight, asking outsiders to join a game, and spontaneous helping.Created October 17, 2024 • Updated October 20, 2024 -
measure Children’s Social Behavior Questionnaire (CSBQ)
Study: TRAILS Mode of collection: SelfAdministeredQuestionnaire Available measurements: Population cohort POP - T1 POP - T2 POP - T3 POP - T4
Clinical cohort CC - T1 CC - T2 CC - T3 CC - T4
The Next Generation NEXT - T4 NEXT - T5The Children’s Social Behavior Questionnaire (CSBQ) is a validated assessment of autism spectrum problems in children. It includes items on tuning behavior/emotions to the situation, social contact, social insight, fear of and resistance to change, stereotyped behavior, and orientation problems in time, place or activity.Created October 17, 2024 • Updated October 20, 2024