Motor Development

The Motor Development - Mijlpalen was developed as a parent-report scale that measures the developmental stages of children with various items. For example: "At how many months was your child able to roll over from back to stomach?".

In RADAR G3, the scale included 2 items when the child was 3 months (Wave 1) , and 12 items when the child was 2-2.5 ages (Wave 2).

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  • Third Generation

  • G3 - T1
  •   PC
    3 months - 4 months   From 2013-01-01 (ongoing)

  • G3 - T2
  •   PC
    24 months - 32 months   From 2015-01-01 (ongoing)

    Mode of collection SelfAdministeredQuestionnaire
    Analysis unit Individual
    Instrument name Motor Development - Mijlpalen
    Measure name Developmental stages
    You can also access this dataset using the API (see API Docs).