Social Information Processing - Attribution and Emotional Response Questionnaire (SIP-AEQ)

The Social Information Processing - Attribution and Emotional Response Questionnaire (SIP-AEQ) assesses how participants interpret socially ambiguous situations in which an adverse action is directed at the person with whom they are asked to identify with. The questionnaire consists of vignettes about hostile attribution, instrumental attribution, and benign attribution to provocation. Each vignette is then followed by four Likert-scaled questions that assess direct hostile intent (e.g., “This person wanted to physically hurt me”), indirect hostile intent (e.g., “This person wanted to make me look bad”), instrumental non-hostile intent (e.g., “This person wanted to win the match”), and neutral or benign intent (e.g., “This person did this by accident”). The four attribution items are then followed by two items designed to reflect negative emotional response (NER; i.e., “How likely is it that you would be angry if this happened to you?” and “How likely is it that you would be upset with yourself if this happened to you?”).

In the third and fourth measurement waves of TRAILS Next, the SIP-AEQ was measured via an interview with both of the child's parents.

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  • The Next Generation

  • NEXT - T3
  •   P1P1 P2P2
    30 months - 36 months   From 2016-01-01 (ongoing)

  • NEXT - T4
  •   P1P1 P2P2
    4.5 - 5.0 years   From 2018-06-01 (ongoing)

    Mode of collection Interview
    Analysis unit Individual
    Instrument name Social Information Processing - Attribution and Emotional Response Questionnaire (SIP-AEQ)
    You can also access this dataset using the API (see API Docs).