Grief Cognitions Questionnaire (GCQ)

The Grief Cognitions Questionnaire (GCQ) is a 38-item questionnaire representing 9 categories of negative, bereavement-related cognitions, such as "Since [x] is dead, I feel less worthy", "I don't expect that I will feel better in the future", or "I do not react to this loss normally". It is rated with 6-point scale from 0 (disagree strongly) to 5 (agree strongly).

In Generation R, if a participant indicated to have lost a loved one, three items of the questionnaire were administered to assess grief-specific cognitions.

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  • Generation R

  • 17-18 years
  •   C
    17.0 - 18.0 years   From 2020-10-01 (ongoing)

    Mode of collection Interview
    Analysis unit Individual
    Instrument name Grief Cognitions Questionnaire (GCQ)
    Measure name Bereavement
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