Twin Social Interaction - Etch-a-Sketch

The Twin Social Interaction task aims to measure social behavior by having the twins play a game of Etch-a-Sketch together. The Etch-A-Sketch task is a cooperative learning challenge task that requires children to work together in order to succeed. The children are given one Etch-A-Sketch board and are instructed to use the board to copy a series of three designs that increase in complexity. The children must work together as one controls the left knob (draws only horizontal lines) and one controls the right knob (draws only vertical lines). The children are allowed a maximum of 5 minutes to complete each design, and participants are told that their accuracy on completing or copying the designs will be checked by the experimenter.

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  • Early Childhood Cohort

  • ECC - T6
  •   OW
    8.0 - 10.0 years   From 2019-08-29 to 2020-12-23

    Mode of collection Observation
    Analysis unit Individual, Family
    Instrument name Etch-a-Sketch
    Measure name Twin Social Interaction - Etch-a-Sketch
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