Children’s Emotion Management Scale - Short version (CEMS)

The Children’s Emotion Management scale (CEMS) assesses self-reported inhibition, coping and dysregulation when the child experiences anger, sadness and worry.

In Generation R, an abbreviated, 9-item version of the CEMS was used. 3 items assessed inhibition, i.e., whether a participant does not show feelings when feeling angry, sad or worried. 3 items assessed coping, i.e., whether a participant seeks distraction or a person to talk to when feeling angry, sad or worried. Another 3 items assessed dysregulation, i.e., whether a participant emotionally acts out (screams, cries) when feeling angry, sad or worried. Items were answered on a 3-point Likert scale.

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  • Generation R

  • 9-10 years
  •   CC
    8.7 - 12.5 years   From 2012-01-01 to 2016-12-31

    Mode of collection SelfAdministeredQuestionnaire
    Analysis unit Individual
    Instrument name Children's Worry Management Scale (CEMS)
    Measure name Children's regulation of emotion/worry
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