measure Bangor Gambling Task
Study: TRAILS Mode of collection: MeasurementsAndTests Behavioral/cognitive task Available measurements: Population cohort POP - T3
Clinical cohort CC - T3The Iowa and Bangor Gambling Tasks are psychological tasks thought to simulate real-life decision making. It measures an individual's approach to risk-taking, impulsivity, and ability to delay short-term gratification to achieve long-term rewards. The Bangor Gambling Task is a simplified version of the Iowa Gambling Task.Created October 17, 2024 • Updated October 20, 2024 -
measure Penn Computerized Neurocognitive Battery (Penn CNB)
Study: YOUth Mode of collection: MeasurementsAndTests Behavioral/cognitive task Available measurements: Child and Adolescent 9 years 12 yearsThe Penn Computerized Neurocognitive Battery (Penn CNB) is a Dutch translation of the web-based computerized neurocognitive battery developed by the Brain Behavior Laboratory of the University of Pennsylvania (https://penncnp.med.upenn.edu/). It includes a total of 17 tests, resulting in measures of performance accuracy (the percentage or number of...Created October 17, 2024 • Updated October 20, 2024 -
measure Stop-signal anticipation task
Study: YOUth Mode of collection: MeasurementsAndTests Behavioral/cognitive task Available measurements: Child and Adolescent 9 years 12 yearsThe Stop-signal anticipation task aims to measure performance during actual stopping as well as during the anticipation of stopping. Trials begin with the presentation of a cue (0, * or **), representing the stop-signal probability (0, 22 and 33% respectively). Permanently visible are three horizontal white lines, and the goal is to stop a rising bar as...Created October 17, 2024 • Updated October 20, 2024