2 measures found within L-CID
measure Behavioral Inhibition and Activation Scale (BIS/BAS)
Study: L-CID Mode of collection: SelfAdministeredQuestionnaire Available measurements: Middle Childhood Cohort MCC - T3 MCC - T4 MCC - T5 MCC - T6 MCC - T7The Behavioral Inhibition and Activation Scales (BIS/BAS) measure behavioral inhibition (BIS) and behavioral activation (BAS). This instrument consists of one inhibitory factor (BIS scale) and three activational factors (BAS scales). The BIS scale includes items that refer to the anticipation of punishment. The BAS scales consist of items that refer to...Created October 17, 2024 • Updated October 20, 2024 -
measure Stop-Signal Task - Arrows
Study: L-CID Mode of collection: MeasurementsAndTests Behavioral/cognitive task Available measurements: Early Childhood Cohort ECC - T5 ECC - T6
Middle Childhood Cohort MCC - T1 MCC - T2 MCC - T3 MCC - T4 MCC - T5 MCC - T7The Stop-Signal Task - Arrows aims to measure behavioral inhibition by having the child inhibit their reaction in response to a quickly appearing signal. During the task, left- and right-pointing arrows appear on the screen. When the arrow points left, the child has to press the left button, and when the arrow points right, the child has to press the...Created October 17, 2024 • Updated October 20, 2024