measure Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ)
Study: RADAR Mode of collection: SelfAdministeredQuestionnaire Available measurements: Old Cohort RO - W13
Young Cohort RY - W10The Patiënten Gezondheidsvragenlijst (PHQ-9) is used to diagnose depression by assessing depressive symptoms over the last 2 weeks, such as feeling tired, having little energy, poor appetite or overeating.Created October 17, 2024 • Updated October 20, 2024 -
measure Delinquent Behavior
Study: RADAR Mode of collection: SelfAdministeredQuestionnaire Available measurements: Old Cohort RO - W5 RO - W6 RO - W7 RO - W8 RO - W9 RO - W13
Young Cohort RY - W1 RY - W2 RY - W3 RY - W4 RY - W5 RY - W6 RY - W7 RY - W8 RY - W9 RY - W10Self-Report Delinquent Behavior measures the frequency of several kinds of criminal behavior in the past 12 months with items such as "Arrested by the police because of something you did.", "Broken into a building, house or store." or "Purposely hit or kicked someone on the street, in a pub or at school." This questionnaire is based on the international...Created October 17, 2024 • Updated October 20, 2024 -
measure Reynolds Adolescent Depression Scale (RADS)
Study: RADAR Mode of collection: SelfAdministeredQuestionnaire Available measurements: Old Cohort RO - W5 RO - W6 RO - W7 RO - W8 RO - W9 RO - W10 RO - W11 RO - W12 RO - W13 RO - W14
Young Cohort RY - W1 RY - W2 RY - W3 RY - W4 RY - W5 RY - W6 RY - W7 RY - W8 RY - W9 RY - W10 RY - W11The Reynolds Adolescent Depression Scale (RADS) assesses self-reported dysphoric mood, anhedonia/negative affect, negative self-evaluation, and somatic complaints.Created October 17, 2024 • Updated October 20, 2024 -
measure Substance Use
Study: RADAR Mode of collection: SelfAdministeredQuestionnaire Available measurements: Old Cohort RO - W5 RO - W6 RO - W7 RO - W8 RO - W9 RO - W10 RO - W11 RO - W12 RO - W13 RO - W14
Young Cohort RY - W1 RY - W2 RY - W3 RY - W4 RY - W5 RY - W6 RY - W7 RY - W8 RY - W9 RY - W10 RY - W11Substance Use (SU) assesses self-reported frequency of alcohol, cigarettes, and/or drugs consumption.Created October 17, 2024 • Updated October 20, 2024