Stop-signal anticipation task - functional MRI

Stop-signal anticipation task - functional MRI consists of a functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) scan that was acquired while subjects performed the Stop-signal anticipation (inhibition) experiment. The task aims to measure performance and brain activity during actual stopping as well as during the anticipation of stopping. Trials begin with the presentation of a cue (0, * or **), representing the stop-signal probability (0, 22 and 33% respectively). Permanently visible are three horizontal white lines, and the goal is to stop a rising bar as close to the middle line as possible (target) by pressing a button, but refrain from pressing the button when the bar stops on its own (stop signal).

The fMRI sequence used the following parameters: SENSE coil; parallel imaging, sensefactor 1.8; T2* weighted scan; Timeseries 595 scans, single scan duration 1 sec; Scan orientation sagittal; 64x64 acquisition matrix; 51 slices; multiband factor 3; FOV = 220 mm; 2.5 mm isotropic voxels; TR/TE 1000/25. Files are in classic DICOM format.

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  • Child and Adolescent

  • 9 years
  •   C
    8.0 - 10.0 years   From 2016-03-14 to 2020-04-14

  • 12 years
  •   C
    11.0 - 16.0 years   From 2019-07-04 to 2022-12-01

    Mode of collection MeasurementsAndTests    MRI
    Analysis unit Individual
    Instrument name Functional MRI Inhibition experiment scan
    Measure name Functional MRI Inhibition experiment scan
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