Corsi block-tapping task

The Corsi block tapping task assesses short-term visuospatial working memory. In the task, participants participants are presented with a sequence of blocks tapped in a specific order, and they must replicate the sequence by tapping the blocks in the same order. The task becomes progressively more challenging with longer sequences, serving as a measure of a person's ability to temporarily store and manipulate visuospatial information in working memory.

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  • Young Netherlands Twin Register

  • YC_BS1
  •   C S
    9.0 years   From 2005-01-01 to 2005-01-01

  • YC_BS2
  •   C S
    12.0 years   From 2007-01-01 to 2009-01-01

  • YC_BS3
  •   C S
    17.0 years   From 2012-01-01 to 2014-01-01

  • YE_COG18
  •   C S
    18.0 years   From 2004-01-01 to 2006-01-01

    Mode of collection MeasurementsAndTests    Behavioral/cognitive task
    Analysis unit Individual
    Corsi, P. M. (1974). Human memory and the medial temporal region of the brain. Dissertation Abstracts International, 34,819B (University Microfilms No. AAI05–77717).
    You can also access this dataset using the API (see API Docs).