Generation R Infant Distress Scale (GRIDS)

The Generation R Infant Distress Scale (GRIDS) is an observational instrument that includes a selection of behaviors from various existing observation scales of parent and child/infant behavior during medical procedures. It includes both nonverbal and verbal behaviors of the parent and the infant. The ‘infant distress’ score combines the following behaviors, based on factor analysis: crying, resisting (including flailing), requesting emotional support, (reverse-coded) information seeking, and (reverse-coded) playing/engaging in distraction.

This instrument was used to score the behavior of the infant and its parent during the venipuncture at age 1.

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  • Generation R

  • 1 year
  •   OPC
    10 months - 41 months   From 2003-01-01 to 2007-12-31

    Mode of collection Observation
    Analysis unit Individual
    Instrument name Generation R Infant Distress Scale (GRIDS)
    Measure name Distress
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