Early Adolescent Temperament Questionnaire - Discomfort, Fear, Perceptual sensitivity (EATQ-DFP)
The Early Adolescent Temperament Questionnaire (EATQ) is designed to specifically tap experiences common to adolescents, and is available in self- and parent-report formats. It assesses temperament and self-regulation via adaptation of scales used in studies of children and adults. It has 10 subscales: Activation Control (the capacity to perform an action when there is a strong tendency to avoid it); Affiliation (the desire for warmth and closeness with others, independent of shyness or extraversion); Attention (the capacity to focus attention as well as to shift attention when desired); Fear (unpleasant affect related to anticipation of distress); Frustration (negative affect related to interruption of ongoing tasks or goal blocking); High Intensity Pleasure (the pleasure derived from activities involving high intensity or novelty); Inhibitory Control (the capacity to plan, and to suppress inappropriate responses); Perceptual Sensitivity (detection or perceptual awareness of slight, low-intensity stimulation in the environment); Pleasure Sensitivity (pleasure related to activities or stimuli involving low intensity, rate, complexity, novelty, and incongruity); and Shyness. Two behavioral scales are also included; Aggression (hostile and aggressive actions, including person- and object-directed physical violence, direct and indirect verbal aggression, and hostile reactivity); and Depressive Mood (unpleasant affect and lowered mood, loss of enjoyment and interest in activities).
Within L-CID, 27 items were used from the Discomfort (how quickly is the child uncomfortable), Fear (how fearful is the child), and Perceptual Sensitivity (how sensitive to external stimuli is the child) subscales.
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Keywords |
Constructs | |
Waves |
10.0 - 12.0 years From 2019-01-30 to 2019-10-24 12.0 - 14.0 years From 2021-06-13 to 2021-10-26 14.0 - 15.0 years From 2023-04-01 to 2023-10-30 |
Mode of collection | SelfAdministeredQuestionnaire |
Analysis unit | Individual |
Instrument name | Early Adolescent Temperament Questionnaire - Discomfort, Fear, Perceptual sensitivity (EATQ-DFP) |
Measure name | Early Adolescent Temperament Questionnaire - Discomfort, Fear, Perceptual sensitivity (EATQ-DFP) |
References |
Measure was collected within the following cohort study:
Purpose | The primary aim of the Leiden-CID study is to increase our understanding of the developmental pathways of social behavior and behavioral control that are important to the development of social competence, from early childhood to young adulthood. If we better understand the mechanisms involved in developmental processes of social competence, this allows us to understand optimal conditions that add to the well-being of developing individuals. |
description | |
Alternate title |
Data access information |
Publisher | |
Principal investigators |
Cohort study international identifier | |
Language |
Funding information |
Contact information |
References | |
Additional info (URL) | |
Additional information | |
Contributors |
Time method | Longitudinal |
Universe | Same-sex (51% girls), mono- and dizygotic twins between 3 and 16 years old, and their parents (primary parent and other parent). Children in the early childhood cohort (ECC; N = 476) were followed from 3 to 9 years of age, whereas children in the middle childhood cohort (MCC; N = 514) were followed from 7 to 16 years. All participants lived in the Netherlands (within two hours travel time from Leiden). The majority of the participants were Caucasian (ECC: 88%, MCC: 90%). Additionally, participants had both a low, middle-, as well as a high socio-economic status (ECC: 7–37–56%, MCC: 9–46–45%). To be eligible to participate, potential participants had to be fluent in Dutch, their parents and grandparents had to be born in Europe (because of genetic analyses), and the twins should have the same gender. Excluded were children with a congenital disability, psychological disorder, chronic illness, hereditary disease, or a visual or hearing impairment if the disorder disabled the child from performing the behavioral tasks or from participating in the (f)MRI or EEG/ERP measure. Children with a previously diagnosed intellectual disability (IQ < 70), history of neurological or psychiatric illness and/or use of psychotropic medications were also excluded. Lastly, contraindications for fMRI, including metal implants, heart arrhythmia, and claustrophobia would lead to exclusion as well. |
Measure was collected within the following cohort(s):
Alternate title |
Description | The Middle Childhood Cohort of the Leiden Consortium on Individual Development (L-CID) is a large-scale longitudinal intervention study in which +- 250 families with same-sex twins, aged 7-8 at wave 1, are followed over a six year period. Annual assessments consist of alternating lab- or home visits during which behavioral and neurobiological data are collected. The collected data allow, among others, for testing which child characteristics shape the effect of (manipulated) environmental factors. The aim of the Middle Childhood Cohort is twofold: 1. To investigate the development of social competence and behavioral control in children between 7 and 14 years old; 2. To dissect the reason why not all children are equally responsive to variations in the social environment. |
Purpose | The primary aim of the Middle Childhood Cohort of the Leiden Consortium on Individual Development (L-CID) study is to increase our understanding of the developmental pathways of social behavior and behavioral control that are important to the development of social competence, from middle childhood to young adulthood. If we better understand the mechanisms involved in developmental processes of social competence, this allows us to understand optimal conditions that add to the well-being of developing individuals. |
Publisher | |
Creators |
Language |
Cohort international identifier | |
Funding information |
Cohort reference papers | |
Classification | |
Contact information | |
Waves | |
Contributors |
References | |
Country code | NL |
Geographic location | |
Lowest geographic reference | |
Highest geographic reference | country |
Cohort universe description | 7-14 year old same-sex twin pairs and their parents |
Analysis unit | |
Additional info (URL) | |
Additional information | |
Time method | Longitudinal.CohortEventBased |
Measure was collected within the following wave(s):
Wave alternate title |
Short description of the wave | Wave 4 of the Middle Childhood Cohort consisted of parent- and child-reported online questionnaires and a home visit in which 10-12 year old children from about 200 families were observed while performing several tasks. Additionally, physiological samples were taken (e.g., hair samples). Participants were also asked to take measurements on their own at home for several days after the home visit. |
Type of StudyUnit | |
Publisher | |
Creators |
Funding information |
References | |
(sub) cohort | L-CID: Middle Childhood Cohort |
Life stage | |
Coverage percentage of the measurement for this wave | |
Start date wave collection | 2019-01-30 |
End date wave collection | 2019-10-24 |
Wave universe description |
Stage of measurement | |
Language |
Description of physical data product | paper forms/questionnaires, digital files, biomedical samples |
Additional info (URL) | |
Additional information | |
Contributors |
Wave alternate title |
Short description of the wave | Wave 6 of the Middle Childhood Cohort consisted of a home visit that was performed digitally because of the Covid-19 pandemic. 12-14 year old children from about 160 families were observed while they performed tasks and they and their parents/caretakers filled out online questionnaires. Some of the originally planned tasks were dropped, because it was not possible to perform them during a digital visit. Participants also took measurements on their own at home. |
Type of StudyUnit | |
Publisher | |
Creators |
Funding information |
References | |
(sub) cohort | L-CID: Middle Childhood Cohort |
Life stage | |
Coverage percentage of the measurement for this wave | |
Start date wave collection | 2021-06-13 |
End date wave collection | 2021-10-26 |
Wave universe description |
Stage of measurement | |
Language |
Description of physical data product | digital files |
Additional info (URL) | |
Additional information | |
Contributors |
Wave alternate title |
Short description of the wave | Wave 7 of the Middle Childhood Cohort was added as an additional wave of data collection. It consisted of child-reported online questionnaires and a lab visit in which 14-15 year old children performed tasks and filled out more questionnaires. During some of the tasks, brain structure and activity were measured by means of (functional) Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI). Contrary to prior waves, this year only the children participated in the study, and not their parents. |
Type of StudyUnit | |
Publisher | |
Creators |
Funding information |
References | |
(sub) cohort | L-CID: Middle Childhood Cohort |
Life stage | |
Coverage percentage of the measurement for this wave | |
Start date wave collection | 2023-04-01 |
End date wave collection | 2023-10-30 |
Wave universe description |
Stage of measurement | |
Language |
Description of physical data product | paper forms/questionnaires, digital files, biomedical samples |
Additional info (URL) | |
Additional information | |
Contributors |
author | None |
author_email | None |
creator_user_id | 34768773-4537-4d74-8d9d-11e2b32cbbaf |
dc_additional_info | Within L-CID, 27 items were used from the Discomfort (how quickly is the child uncomfortable), Fear (how fearful is the child), and Perceptual Sensitivity (how sensitive to external stimuli is the child) subscales. |
dc_analysis_unit | {Individual} |
dc_cohort | L-CID |
dc_common_id | 0033_CD2 |
dc_instrument_name | Early Adolescent Temperament Questionnaire - Discomfort, Fear, Perceptual sensitivity (EATQ-DFP) |
dc_measure_name | Early Adolescent Temperament Questionnaire - Discomfort, Fear, Perceptual sensitivity (EATQ-DFP) |
id | 4d984c1a-9fa8-484d-9a4e-c339387592c9 |
isopen | False |
license_title | None |
maintainer | None |
maintainer_email | None |
metadata_created | 2024-10-17T12:03:00.293132 |
metadata_modified | 2024-10-20T12:27:35.405280 |
name | 418250f5f30744158ea24cd06449c99d |
notes | The Early Adolescent Temperament Questionnaire (EATQ) is designed to specifically tap experiences common to adolescents, and is available in self- and parent-report formats. It assesses temperament and self-regulation via adaptation of scales used in studies of children and adults. It has 10 subscales: Activation Control (the capacity to perform an action when there is a strong tendency to avoid it); Affiliation (the desire for warmth and closeness with others, independent of shyness or extraversion); Attention (the capacity to focus attention as well as to shift attention when desired); Fear (unpleasant affect related to anticipation of distress); Frustration (negative affect related to interruption of ongoing tasks or goal blocking); High Intensity Pleasure (the pleasure derived from activities involving high intensity or novelty); Inhibitory Control (the capacity to plan, and to suppress inappropriate responses); Perceptual Sensitivity (detection or perceptual awareness of slight, low-intensity stimulation in the environment); Pleasure Sensitivity (pleasure related to activities or stimuli involving low intensity, rate, complexity, novelty, and incongruity); and Shyness. Two behavioral scales are also included; Aggression (hostile and aggressive actions, including person- and object-directed physical violence, direct and indirect verbal aggression, and hostile reactivity); and Depressive Mood (unpleasant affect and lowered mood, loss of enjoyment and interest in activities). |
num_resources | 0 |
num_tags | 0 |
organization | {'id': '74e90384-6fe3-44ca-8184-c4d845120a50', 'name': 'l-cid', 'title': 'L-CID', 'type': 'organization', 'description': 'The Leiden Consortium on Individual Development (L-CID) study was founded by Marinus van IJzendoorn, Eveline Crone, Marian Bakermans-Kranenburg and Rutger Engels in 2013. It was developed as one of four work packages of the overarching Consortium on Individual Development (CID). The L-CID study is a large-scale longitudinal intervention study in which 500 families with same-sex twins are followed over a six year period. L-CID has a cohort-sequential design with two cohorts: an early childhood cohort (ECC), aged 3-4 at wave 1, and a middle childhood cohort (MCC), aged 7-8 at wave 1. Annual assessments consist of alternating lab- or home visits during which behavioral and neurobiological data are collected. The collected data allow, among others, for testing which child characteristics shape the effect of (manipulated) environmental factors. The aim of L-CID is twofold: 1. To investigate the development of social competence and behavioral control in children between 3 and 14 years old; 2. To dissect the reason why not all children are equally responsive to variations in the social environment.', 'image_url': 'https://data.individualdevelopment.nl/img/logo_lcid.png', 'created': '2024-10-17T13:43:12.442911', 'is_organization': True, 'approval_status': 'approved', 'state': 'active'} |
owner_org | 74e90384-6fe3-44ca-8184-c4d845120a50 |
private | False |
state | active |
title | Early Adolescent Temperament Questionnaire - Discomfort, Fear, Perceptual sensitivity (EATQ-DFP) |
type | measure |
cohort | [{'cohort_alternate_title': 'mcc', 'cohort_description': 'The Middle Childhood Cohort of the Leiden Consortium on Individual Development (L-CID) is a large-scale longitudinal intervention study in which +- 250 families with same-sex twins, aged 7-8 at wave 1, are followed over a six year period. Annual assessments consist of alternating lab- or home visits during which behavioral and neurobiological data are collected. The collected data allow, among others, for testing which child characteristics shape the effect of (manipulated) environmental factors. The aim of the Middle Childhood Cohort is twofold: 1. To investigate the development of social competence and behavioral control in children between 7 and 14 years old; 2. To dissect the reason why not all children are equally responsive to variations in the social environment.', 'cohort_language': 'NL', 'cohort_purpose': 'The primary aim of the Middle Childhood Cohort of the Leiden Consortium on Individual Development (L-CID) study is to increase our understanding of the developmental pathways of social behavior and behavioral control that are important to the development of social competence, from middle childhood to young adulthood. If we better understand the mechanisms involved in developmental processes of social competence, this allows us to understand optimal conditions that add to the well-being of developing individuals.', 'cohort_spatial_country_code': 'NL', 'cohort_spatial_highest_reference': 'country', 'cohort_time_method': 'Longitudinal.CohortEventBased', 'cohort_title': 'L-CID: Middle Childhood Cohort', 'cohort_universe': '7-14 year old same-sex twin pairs and their parents', 'cohort_contributor': [{'cohort_contributor': 'Wierenga, Lara', 'cohort_contributor_affiliation': 'Leiden University', 'cohort_contributor_affiliation_identifier': 'https://ror.org/027bh9e22', 'cohort_contributor_affiliation_identifier_scheme': 'ROR', 'cohort_contributor_affiliation_identifier_schemeuri': 'https://ror.org/', 'cohort_contributor_identifier_schemeuri': 'https://orcid.org/', 'cohort_contributor_identifier_type': 'ORCID', 'cohort_contributor_pid': '0000-0001-9362-563X'}, {'cohort_contributor': 'Achterberg, Michelle', 'cohort_contributor_affiliation': 'Leiden University, Erasmus University Rotterdam', 'cohort_contributor_affiliation_identifier': 'https://ror.org/027bh9e22', 'cohort_contributor_affiliation_identifier_scheme': 'ROR', 'cohort_contributor_affiliation_identifier_schemeuri': 'https://ror.org/', 'cohort_contributor_identifier_schemeuri': 'https://orcid.org/', 'cohort_contributor_identifier_type': 'ORCID', 'cohort_contributor_pid': '0000-0001-5874-6495'}, {'cohort_contributor': 'van der Meulen, Mara', 'cohort_contributor_affiliation': 'Leiden University', 'cohort_contributor_affiliation_identifier': 'https://ror.org/027bh9e22', 'cohort_contributor_affiliation_identifier_scheme': 'ROR', 'cohort_contributor_affiliation_identifier_schemeuri': 'https://ror.org/', 'cohort_contributor_identifier_schemeuri': 'https://orcid.org/', 'cohort_contributor_identifier_type': 'ORCID', 'cohort_contributor_pid': '0000-0002-5401-4630'}], 'cohort_creator': [{'cohort_creator_affiliation': 'Leiden University, Erasmus University Rotterdam, University of Cambridge', 'cohort_creator_affiliation_identifier': 'https://ror.org/027bh9e22', 'cohort_creator_affiliation_identifier_scheme': 'ROR', 'cohort_creator_affiliation_identifier_schemeuri': 'https://ror.org/', 'cohort_creator_identifier_schemeuri': 'https://orcid.org/', 'cohort_creator_identifier_type': 'ORCID', 'cohort_creator_name': 'van IJzendoorn, Marinus', 'cohort_creator_pid': '0000-0003-1144-454X'}, {'cohort_creator_affiliation': 'Leiden University, Erasmus University Rotterdam', 'cohort_creator_affiliation_identifier': 'https://ror.org/027bh9e22', 'cohort_creator_affiliation_identifier_scheme': 'ROR', 'cohort_creator_affiliation_identifier_schemeuri': 'https://ror.org/', 'cohort_creator_identifier_schemeuri': 'https://orcid.org/', 'cohort_creator_identifier_type': 'ORCID', 'cohort_creator_name': 'Crone, Eveline', 'cohort_creator_pid': '0000-0002-7508-6078'}, {'cohort_creator_affiliation': 'Leiden University, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam', 'cohort_creator_affiliation_identifier': 'https://ror.org/027bh9e22', 'cohort_creator_affiliation_identifier_scheme': 'ROR', 'cohort_creator_affiliation_identifier_schemeuri': 'https://ror.org/', 'cohort_creator_identifier_schemeuri': 'https://orcid.org/', 'cohort_creator_identifier_type': 'ORCID', 'cohort_creator_name': 'Bakermans-Kranenburg, Marian', 'cohort_creator_pid': '0000-0001-7763-0711'}, {'cohort_creator_affiliation': 'Leiden University, Erasmus University Rotterdam', 'cohort_creator_affiliation_identifier': 'https://ror.org/027bh9e22', 'cohort_creator_affiliation_identifier_scheme': 'ROR', 'cohort_creator_affiliation_identifier_schemeuri': 'https://ror.org/', 'cohort_creator_identifier_schemeuri': 'https://orcid.org/', 'cohort_creator_identifier_type': 'ORCID', 'cohort_creator_name': 'Engels, Rutger', 'cohort_creator_pid': '0000-0003-1944-9126'}], 'cohort_funding': [{'cohort_funder': 'Dutch Research Council', 'cohort_funder_award_title': 'Gravitation program', 'cohort_funder_identifier': 'https://ror.org/04jsz6e67', 'cohort_funder_identifier_schemuri': 'https://ror.org/', 'cohort_funder_identifier_type': 'ROR', 'cohort_grant_number': '024.001.003'}], 'cohort_publisher': [{'cohort_publisher_identifier': 'https://ror.org/027bh9e22', 'cohort_publisher_identifier_type': 'ROR', 'cohort_publisher_name': 'Leiden University'}, {'cohort_publisher_identifier': 'https://ror.org/05xvt9f17', 'cohort_publisher_identifier_type': 'ROR', 'cohort_publisher_name': 'Leiden University Medical Center'}], 'cohort_references': [{'cohort_reference_citation': 'Crone, E. A., Achterberg, M., Dobbelaar, S., Euser, S., van den Bulk, B., van der Meulen, M., ... & van IJzendoorn, M. H. (2020). Neural and behavioral signatures of social evaluation and adaptation in childhood and adolescence: the Leiden consortium on individual development (L-CID). Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 45, 100805. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dcn.2020.100805', 'cohort_reference_identifier': 'https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dcn.2020.100805', 'cohort_reference_identifier_type': 'DOI', 'cohort_reference_type': 'IsDescribedBy'}, {'cohort_reference_citation': 'Euser, S., Bakermans-Kranenburg, M. J., van den Bulk, B. G., Linting, M., Damsteegt, R. C., Vrijhof, C. I., ... & van IJzendoorn, M. H. (2016). Efficacy of the Video-feedback Intervention to promote Positive Parenting and Sensitive Discipline in Twin Families (VIPP-Twins): Study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. BMC Psychology, 4(1), 1-11. https://doi.org/10.1186/s40359-016-0139-y', 'cohort_reference_identifier': 'https://doi.org/10.1186/s40359-016-0139-y', 'cohort_reference_identifier_type': 'DOI', 'cohort_reference_type': 'IsDescribedBy'}]}] |
dc_DOI | [{'dc_identifier_type': 'DOI', 'dc_pid': '10.60641/qkk6-kv80'}] |
dc_constructs | [{'dc_construct': 'personality'}] |
dc_labels | [{'dc_label': 'personality'}, {'dc_label': 'temperament'}, {'dc_label': 'problem behavior'}, {'dc_label': 'self-regulation'}, {'dc_label': 'social competence'}, {'dc_label': 'attention'}, {'dc_label': 'emotion regulation'}, {'dc_label': 'impulsivity'}, {'dc_label': 'inhibition'}, {'dc_label': 'phobia'}, {'dc_label': 'reward seeking'}, {'dc_label': 'reward sensitivity'}, {'dc_label': 'effortful control'}, {'dc_label': 'attentional control'}, {'dc_label': 'inhibitory control'}, {'dc_label': 'discomfort'}, {'dc_label': 'fearfulness'}, {'dc_label': 'perceptual sensitivity'}, {'dc_label': 'anxiety'}, {'dc_label': 'pleasure sensitivity'}, {'dc_label': 'shyness'}, {'dc_label': 'aggression'}, {'dc_label': 'depression'}] |
dc_measurement_references | [{'dc_measurements_references_citation': 'Ellis, L. K., & Rothbart, M. (1999). Early Adolescent Temperament Questionnaire-Revised.\xa0Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.', 'dc_measurements_references_doi': 'https://doi.org/10.1037/t07624-000'}, {'dc_measurements_references_citation': 'Capaldi, D. M., & Rothbart, M. K. (1992). Development and Validation of an Early Adolescent Temperament Measure. The Journal of Early Adolescence, 12(2), 153–173. https://doi.org/10.1177/0272431692012002002\n', 'dc_measurements_references_doi': 'https://doi.org/10.1177/0272431692012002002'}] |
dc_modes_of_collection | [{'dc_mode_of_collection': 'SelfAdministeredQuestionnaire'}] |
measure_age_range | [{'measure_age_month': 120}, {'measure_age_month': 121}, {'measure_age_month': 122}, {'measure_age_month': 123}, {'measure_age_month': 124}, {'measure_age_month': 125}, {'measure_age_month': 126}, {'measure_age_month': 127}, {'measure_age_month': 128}, {'measure_age_month': 129}, {'measure_age_month': 130}, {'measure_age_month': 131}, {'measure_age_month': 132}, {'measure_age_month': 133}, {'measure_age_month': 134}, {'measure_age_month': 135}, {'measure_age_month': 136}, {'measure_age_month': 137}, {'measure_age_month': 138}, {'measure_age_month': 139}, {'measure_age_month': 140}, {'measure_age_month': 141}, {'measure_age_month': 142}, {'measure_age_month': 143}, {'measure_age_month': 144}, {'measure_age_month': 145}, {'measure_age_month': 146}, {'measure_age_month': 147}, {'measure_age_month': 148}, {'measure_age_month': 149}, {'measure_age_month': 150}, {'measure_age_month': 151}, {'measure_age_month': 152}, {'measure_age_month': 153}, {'measure_age_month': 154}, {'measure_age_month': 155}, {'measure_age_month': 156}, {'measure_age_month': 157}, {'measure_age_month': 158}, {'measure_age_month': 159}, {'measure_age_month': 160}, {'measure_age_month': 161}, {'measure_age_month': 162}, {'measure_age_month': 163}, {'measure_age_month': 164}, {'measure_age_month': 165}, {'measure_age_month': 166}, {'measure_age_month': 167}, {'measure_age_month': 168}, {'measure_age_month': 169}, {'measure_age_month': 170}, {'measure_age_month': 171}, {'measure_age_month': 172}, {'measure_age_month': 173}, {'measure_age_month': 174}, {'measure_age_month': 175}, {'measure_age_month': 176}, {'measure_age_month': 177}, {'measure_age_month': 178}, {'measure_age_month': 179}, {'measure_age_month': 180}] |
study | [{'study_alternate_title': ['L-CID', 'Leiden-CID', 'Samen Uniek'], 'study_language': 'NL', 'study_purpose': 'The primary aim of the Leiden-CID study is to increase our understanding of the developmental pathways of social behavior and behavioral control that are important to the development of social competence, from early childhood to young adulthood. If we better understand the mechanisms involved in developmental processes of social competence, this allows us to understand optimal conditions that add to the well-being of developing individuals.', 'study_time_method': 'Longitudinal', 'study_universe': 'Same-sex (51% girls), mono- and dizygotic twins between 3 and 16 years old, and their parents (primary parent and other parent). Children in the early childhood cohort (ECC; N = 476) were followed from 3 to 9\u2009years of age, whereas children in the middle childhood cohort (MCC; N = 514) were followed from 7 to 16 years. All participants lived in the Netherlands (within two hours travel time from Leiden). The majority of the participants were Caucasian (ECC: 88%, MCC: 90%). Additionally, participants had both a low, middle-, as well as a high socio-economic status (ECC: 7–37–56%, MCC: 9–46–45%).\n\nTo be eligible to participate, potential participants had to be fluent in Dutch, their parents and grandparents had to be born in Europe (because of genetic analyses), and the twins should have the same gender. Excluded were children with a congenital disability, psychological disorder, chronic illness, hereditary disease, or a visual or hearing impairment if the disorder disabled the child from performing the behavioral tasks or from participating in the (f)MRI or EEG/ERP measure. Children with a previously diagnosed intellectual disability (IQ < 70), history of neurological or psychiatric illness and/or use of psychotropic medications were also excluded. Lastly, contraindications for fMRI, including metal implants, heart arrhythmia, and claustrophobia would lead to exclusion as well.', 'title': 'Leiden Consortium on Individual Development', 'study_contact': [{'study_contact_affiliation': 'Leiden University, Erasmus University Rotterdam', 'study_contact_mail': 'ecrone@fsw.leidenuniv.nl', 'study_contact_name': 'Eveline Crone'}], 'study_contributor': [{'study_contributor_affiliation': 'Leiden University', 'study_contributor_affiliation_identifier': 'https://ror.org/027bh9e22', 'study_contributor_affiliation_identifier_scheme': 'ROR', 'study_contributor_affiliation_identifier_schemeuri': 'https://ror.org/', 'study_contributor_identifier_schemeuri': 'https://orcid.org/', 'study_contributor_identifier_type': 'ORCID', 'study_contributor_name': 'Wierenga, Lara', 'study_contributor_pid': '0000-0001-9362-563X'}, {'study_contributor_affiliation': 'Leiden University, Erasmus University Rotterdam', 'study_contributor_affiliation_identifier': 'https://ror.org/027bh9e22', 'study_contributor_affiliation_identifier_scheme': 'ROR', 'study_contributor_affiliation_identifier_schemeuri': 'https://ror.org/', 'study_contributor_identifier_schemeuri': 'https://orcid.org/', 'study_contributor_identifier_type': 'ORCID', 'study_contributor_name': 'Achterberg, Michelle', 'study_contributor_pid': '0000-0001-5874-6495'}], 'study_data_access': [{'study_data_access_URL': 'https://www.developmentmatters.nl/data-access/', 'study_data_access_description': 'L-CID believes that open science is important in improving scientific quality. Therefore, our we make our codebooks, protocols and collected (meta)data accessible to other researchers.'}], 'study_funding': [{'study_funder': 'Dutch Research Council', 'study_funder_award_title': 'Gravitation program', 'study_funder_identifier': 'https://ror.org/04jsz6e67', 'study_funder_identifier_schemuri': 'https://ror.org/', 'study_funder_identifier_type': 'ROR', 'study_grant_number': '024.001.003'}], 'study_principal_investigators': [{'study_pi_affiliation': 'Leiden University, Erasmus University Rotterdam, University of Cambridge', 'study_pi_affiliation_identifier': 'https://ror.org/027bh9e22', 'study_pi_affiliation_identifier_scheme': 'ROR', 'study_pi_affiliation_identifier_schemeuri': 'https://ror.org/', 'study_pi_identifier_schemeuri': 'https://orcid.org/', 'study_pi_identifier_type': 'ORCID', 'study_pi_name': 'van IJzendoorn, Marinus', 'study_pi_pid': '0000-0003-1144-454X'}, {'study_pi_affiliation': 'Leiden University, Erasmus University Rotterdam', 'study_pi_affiliation_identifier': 'https://ror.org/027bh9e22', 'study_pi_affiliation_identifier_scheme': 'ROR', 'study_pi_affiliation_identifier_schemeuri': 'https://ror.org/', 'study_pi_identifier_schemeuri': 'https://orcid.org/', 'study_pi_identifier_type': 'ORCID', 'study_pi_name': 'Crone, Eveline', 'study_pi_pid': '0000-0002-7508-6078'}, {'study_pi_affiliation': 'Leiden University, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam', 'study_pi_affiliation_identifier': 'https://ror.org/027bh9e22', 'study_pi_affiliation_identifier_scheme': 'ROR', 'study_pi_affiliation_identifier_schemeuri': 'https://ror.org/', 'study_pi_identifier_schemeuri': 'https://orcid.org/', 'study_pi_identifier_type': 'ORCID', 'study_pi_name': 'Bakermans-Kranenburg, Marian', 'study_pi_pid': '0000-0001-7763-0711'}, {'study_pi_affiliation': 'Leiden University, Erasmus University Rotterdam', 'study_pi_affiliation_identifier': 'https://ror.org/027bh9e22', 'study_pi_affiliation_identifier_scheme': 'ROR', 'study_pi_affiliation_identifier_schemeuri': 'https://ror.org/', 'study_pi_identifier_schemeuri': 'https://orcid.org/', 'study_pi_identifier_type': 'ORCID', 'study_pi_name': 'Engels, Rutger', 'study_pi_pid': '0000-0003-1944-9126'}], 'study_publisher': [{'study_publisher_identifier': 'https://ror.org/027bh9e22', 'study_publisher_identifier_schemeuri': 'https://ror.org/', 'study_publisher_identifier_type': 'ROR', 'study_publisher_name': 'Leiden University'}, {'study_publisher_identifier': 'https://ror.org/05xvt9f17', 'study_publisher_identifier_schemeuri': 'https://ror.org/', 'study_publisher_identifier_type': 'ROR', 'study_publisher_name': 'Leiden University Medical Center'}], 'study_references': [{'study_reference_citation': 'Crone, E. A., Achterberg, M., Dobbelaar, S., Euser, S., van den Bulk, B., van der Meulen, M., ... & van IJzendoorn, M. H. (2020). Neural and behavioral signatures of social evaluation and adaptation in childhood and adolescence: the Leiden consortium on individual development (L-CID). Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 45, 100805. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dcn.2020.100805', 'study_reference_identifier': 'https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dcn.2020.100805', 'study_reference_identifier_type': 'DOI', 'study_reference_type': 'IsDescribedBy'}, {'study_reference_citation': 'Euser, S., Bakermans-Kranenburg, M. J., van den Bulk, B. G., Linting, M., Damsteegt, R. C., Vrijhof, C. I., ... & van IJzendoorn, M. H. (2016). Efficacy of the Video-feedback Intervention to promote Positive Parenting and Sensitive Discipline in Twin Families (VIPP-Twins): Study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. BMC Psychology, 4(1), 1-11. https://doi.org/10.1186/s40359-016-0139-y', 'study_reference_identifier': 'https://doi.org/10.1186/s40359-016-0139-y', 'study_reference_identifier_type': 'DOI', 'study_reference_type': 'IsDescribedBy'}]}] |
wave | [{'wave_alternate_title': ['mcc4', 'mcc_ses-w04'], 'wave_cohort': 'L-CID: Middle Childhood Cohort', 'wave_cohort_ckan_id': '69167eb3827c0d244a614196604f10e7', 'wave_description': 'Wave 4 of the Middle Childhood Cohort consisted of parent- and child-reported online questionnaires and a home visit in which 10-12 year old children from about 200 families were observed while performing several tasks. Additionally, physiological samples were taken (e.g., hair samples). Participants were also asked to take measurements on their own at home for several days after the home visit.', 'wave_end_date_collection': '2019-10-24', 'wave_language': 'NL', 'wave_physical_data_product_description': 'paper forms/questionnaires, digital files, biomedical samples', 'wave_start_date_collection': '2019-01-30', 'wave_title': 'MCC - T4', 'wave_universe': '120-144', 'wave_contributor': [{'wave_contributor_affiliation': 'Leiden University, Erasmus University Rotterdam', 'wave_contributor_affiliation_identifier': 'https://ror.org/027bh9e22', 'wave_contributor_affiliation_identifier_scheme': 'ROR', 'wave_contributor_affiliation_identifier_schemeuri': 'https://ror.org/', 'wave_contributor_identifier_schemeuri': 'https://orcid.org/', 'wave_contributor_identifier_type': 'ORCID', 'wave_contributor_name': 'Achterberg, Michelle', 'wave_contributor_pid': '0000-0001-5874-6495'}, {'wave_contributor_affiliation': 'Leiden University', 'wave_contributor_affiliation_identifier': 'https://ror.org/027bh9e22', 'wave_contributor_affiliation_identifier_scheme': 'ROR', 'wave_contributor_affiliation_identifier_schemeuri': 'https://ror.org/', 'wave_contributor_identifier_schemeuri': 'https://orcid.org/', 'wave_contributor_identifier_type': 'ORCID', 'wave_contributor_name': 'van der Meulen, Mara', 'wave_contributor_pid': '0000-0002-5401-4630'}, {'wave_contributor_affiliation': 'Leiden University, Erasmus University Rotterdam', 'wave_contributor_affiliation_identifier': 'https://ror.org/027bh9e22', 'wave_contributor_affiliation_identifier_scheme': 'ROR', 'wave_contributor_affiliation_identifier_schemeuri': 'https://ror.org/', 'wave_contributor_identifier_schemeuri': 'https://orcid.org/', 'wave_contributor_identifier_type': 'ORCID', 'wave_contributor_name': 'Dobbelaar, Simone', 'wave_contributor_pid': '0000-0002-2498-2809'}, {'wave_contributor_affiliation': 'Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam', 'wave_contributor_affiliation_identifier': 'https://ror.org/008xxew50', 'wave_contributor_affiliation_identifier_scheme': 'ROR', 'wave_contributor_affiliation_identifier_schemeuri': 'https://ror.org/', 'wave_contributor_identifier_schemeuri': 'https://orcid.org/', 'wave_contributor_identifier_type': 'ORCID', 'wave_contributor_name': 'Runze, Jana', 'wave_contributor_pid': '0000-0003-1792-3357'}, {'wave_contributor_affiliation': 'Leiden University, Erasmus University Rotterdam', 'wave_contributor_affiliation_identifier': 'https://ror.org/027bh9e22', 'wave_contributor_affiliation_identifier_scheme': 'ROR', 'wave_contributor_affiliation_identifier_schemeuri': 'https://ror.org/', 'wave_contributor_name': 'Jacobs-Rijnboutt, Judith'}, {'wave_contributor_name': 'Renet, Kyra'}, {'wave_contributor_name': 'Geurts, Lisanne'}], 'wave_creator': [{'wave_creator_affiliation': 'Leiden University, Erasmus University Rotterdam, University of Cambridge', 'wave_creator_affiliation_identifier': 'https://ror.org/027bh9e22', 'wave_creator_affiliation_identifier_scheme': 'ROR', 'wave_creator_affiliation_identifier_schemeuri': 'https://ror.org/', 'wave_creator_identifier_schemeuri': 'https://orcid.org/', 'wave_creator_name': 'van IJzendoorn, Marinus', 'wave_creator_pid': '0000-0003-1144-454X'}, {'wave_creator_affiliation': 'Leiden University, Erasmus University Rotterdam', 'wave_creator_affiliation_identifier': 'https://ror.org/027bh9e22', 'wave_creator_affiliation_identifier_scheme': 'ROR', 'wave_creator_affiliation_identifier_schemeuri': 'https://ror.org/', 'wave_creator_identifier_schemeuri': 'https://orcid.org/', 'wave_creator_name': 'Crone, Eveline', 'wave_creator_pid': '0000-0002-7508-6078'}, {'wave_creator_affiliation': 'Leiden University, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam', 'wave_creator_affiliation_identifier': 'https://ror.org/027bh9e22', 'wave_creator_affiliation_identifier_scheme': 'ROR', 'wave_creator_affiliation_identifier_schemeuri': 'https://ror.org/', 'wave_creator_identifier_schemeuri': 'https://orcid.org/', 'wave_creator_name': 'Bakermans-Kranenburg, Marian', 'wave_creator_pid': '0000-0001-7763-0711'}, {'wave_creator_affiliation': 'Leiden University, Erasmus University Rotterdam', 'wave_creator_affiliation_identifier': 'https://ror.org/027bh9e22', 'wave_creator_affiliation_identifier_scheme': 'ROR', 'wave_creator_affiliation_identifier_schemeuri': 'https://ror.org/', 'wave_creator_identifier_schemeuri': 'https://orcid.org/', 'wave_creator_name': 'Engels, Rutger', 'wave_creator_pid': '0000-0003-1944-9126'}], 'wave_funding': [{'wave_funder_award_title': 'Gravitation program', 'wave_funder_identifier_schemuri': 'https://ror.org/', 'wave_funder_identifier_type': 'ROR', 'wave_grant_number': '024.001.003'}], 'wave_publisher': [{'wave_publisher_identifier': 'https://ror.org/027bh9e22', 'wave_publisher_identifier_type': 'ROR', 'wave_publisher_name': 'Leiden University'}, {'wave_publisher_identifier': 'https://ror.org/05xvt9f17', 'wave_publisher_identifier_type': 'ROR', 'wave_publisher_name': 'Leiden University Medical Center'}], 'wave_subject_codes': [{'wave_subject_code': 'P1C', 'wave_subject_code_translated': 'Primary parent on Child'}, {'wave_subject_code': 'P2C', 'wave_subject_code_translated': 'Other parent on Child'}]}, {'wave_alternate_title': ['mcc6', 'mcc_ses-w06'], 'wave_cohort': 'L-CID: Middle Childhood Cohort', 'wave_cohort_ckan_id': '69167eb3827c0d244a614196604f10e7', 'wave_description': 'Wave 6 of the Middle Childhood Cohort consisted of a home visit that was performed digitally because of the Covid-19 pandemic. 12-14 year old children from about 160 families were observed while they performed tasks and they and their parents/caretakers filled out online questionnaires. Some of the originally planned tasks were dropped, because it was not possible to perform them during a digital visit. Participants also took measurements on their own at home. ', 'wave_end_date_collection': '2021-10-26', 'wave_language': 'NL', 'wave_physical_data_product_description': 'digital files', 'wave_start_date_collection': '2021-06-13', 'wave_title': 'MCC - T6', 'wave_universe': '144-168', 'wave_contributor': [{'wave_contributor_affiliation': 'Leiden University, Erasmus University Rotterdam', 'wave_contributor_affiliation_identifier': 'https://ror.org/027bh9e22', 'wave_contributor_affiliation_identifier_scheme': 'ROR', 'wave_contributor_affiliation_identifier_schemeuri': 'https://ror.org/', 'wave_contributor_identifier_schemeuri': 'https://orcid.org/', 'wave_contributor_identifier_type': 'ORCID', 'wave_contributor_name': 'Achterberg, Michelle', 'wave_contributor_pid': '0000-0001-5874-6495'}, {'wave_contributor_affiliation': '', 'wave_contributor_affiliation_identifier': '', 'wave_contributor_affiliation_identifier_scheme': '', 'wave_contributor_affiliation_identifier_schemeuri': '', 'wave_contributor_identifier_schemeuri': '', 'wave_contributor_identifier_type': '', 'wave_contributor_name': 'van Mierlo, Daphne', 'wave_contributor_pid': ''}, {'wave_contributor_affiliation': 'Leiden University, Erasmus University Rotterdam', 'wave_contributor_affiliation_identifier': 'https://ror.org/027bh9e22', 'wave_contributor_affiliation_identifier_scheme': 'ROR', 'wave_contributor_affiliation_identifier_schemeuri': 'https://ror.org/', 'wave_contributor_identifier_schemeuri': '', 'wave_contributor_identifier_type': '', 'wave_contributor_name': 'Jacobs-Rijnboutt, Judith', 'wave_contributor_pid': ''}, {'wave_contributor_affiliation': '', 'wave_contributor_affiliation_identifier': '', 'wave_contributor_affiliation_identifier_scheme': '', 'wave_contributor_affiliation_identifier_schemeuri': '', 'wave_contributor_identifier_schemeuri': '', 'wave_contributor_identifier_type': '', 'wave_contributor_name': 'Geurts, Lisanne', 'wave_contributor_pid': ''}, {'wave_contributor_affiliation': 'Utrecht University', 'wave_contributor_affiliation_identifier': 'https://ror.org/04pp8hn57', 'wave_contributor_affiliation_identifier_scheme': 'ROR', 'wave_contributor_affiliation_identifier_schemeuri': 'https://ror.org/', 'wave_contributor_identifier_schemeuri': 'https://orcid.org/', 'wave_contributor_identifier_type': 'ORCID', 'wave_contributor_name': 'Huijser, Dorien', 'wave_contributor_pid': '0000-0003-3282-8083'}], 'wave_creator': [{'wave_creator_affiliation': 'Leiden University, Erasmus University Rotterdam, University of Cambridge', 'wave_creator_affiliation_identifier': 'https://ror.org/027bh9e22', 'wave_creator_affiliation_identifier_scheme': 'ROR', 'wave_creator_affiliation_identifier_schemeuri': 'https://ror.org/', 'wave_creator_identifier_schemeuri': 'https://orcid.org/', 'wave_creator_name': 'van IJzendoorn, Marinus', 'wave_creator_pid': '0000-0003-1144-454X'}, {'wave_creator_affiliation': 'Leiden University, Erasmus University Rotterdam', 'wave_creator_affiliation_identifier': 'https://ror.org/027bh9e22', 'wave_creator_affiliation_identifier_scheme': 'ROR', 'wave_creator_affiliation_identifier_schemeuri': 'https://ror.org/', 'wave_creator_identifier_schemeuri': 'https://orcid.org/', 'wave_creator_name': 'Crone, Eveline', 'wave_creator_pid': '0000-0002-7508-6078'}, {'wave_creator_affiliation': 'Leiden University, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam', 'wave_creator_affiliation_identifier': 'https://ror.org/027bh9e22', 'wave_creator_affiliation_identifier_scheme': 'ROR', 'wave_creator_affiliation_identifier_schemeuri': 'https://ror.org/', 'wave_creator_identifier_schemeuri': 'https://orcid.org/', 'wave_creator_name': 'Bakermans-Kranenburg, Marian', 'wave_creator_pid': '0000-0001-7763-0711'}, {'wave_creator_affiliation': 'Leiden University, Erasmus University Rotterdam', 'wave_creator_affiliation_identifier': 'https://ror.org/027bh9e22', 'wave_creator_affiliation_identifier_scheme': 'ROR', 'wave_creator_affiliation_identifier_schemeuri': 'https://ror.org/', 'wave_creator_identifier_schemeuri': 'https://orcid.org/', 'wave_creator_name': 'Engels, Rutger', 'wave_creator_pid': '0000-0003-1944-9126'}], 'wave_funding': [{'wave_funder_award_title': 'Gravitation program', 'wave_funder_identifier_schemuri': 'https://ror.org/', 'wave_funder_identifier_type': 'ROR', 'wave_grant_number': '024.001.003'}], 'wave_publisher': [{'wave_publisher_identifier': 'https://ror.org/027bh9e22', 'wave_publisher_identifier_type': 'ROR', 'wave_publisher_name': 'Leiden University'}, {'wave_publisher_identifier': 'https://ror.org/05xvt9f17', 'wave_publisher_identifier_type': 'ROR', 'wave_publisher_name': 'Leiden University Medical Center'}], 'wave_subject_codes': [{'wave_subject_code': 'CC', 'wave_subject_code_translated': 'Child on self'}, {'wave_subject_code': 'P1C', 'wave_subject_code_translated': 'Primary parent on Child'}]}, {'wave_alternate_title': ['mcc7', 'mcc_ses-w07'], 'wave_cohort': 'L-CID: Middle Childhood Cohort', 'wave_cohort_ckan_id': '69167eb3827c0d244a614196604f10e7', 'wave_description': 'Wave 7 of the Middle Childhood Cohort was added as an additional wave of data collection. It consisted of child-reported online questionnaires and a lab visit in which 14-15 year old children performed tasks and filled out more questionnaires. During some of the tasks, brain structure and activity were measured by means of (functional) Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI). Contrary to prior waves, this year only the children participated in the study, and not their parents.', 'wave_end_date_collection': '2023-10-30', 'wave_language': 'NL', 'wave_physical_data_product_description': 'paper forms/questionnaires, digital files, biomedical samples', 'wave_start_date_collection': '2023-04-01', 'wave_title': 'MCC - T7', 'wave_universe': '168-180', 'wave_contributor': [{'wave_contributor_affiliation': 'Leiden University', 'wave_contributor_affiliation_identifier': 'https://ror.org/027bh9e22', 'wave_contributor_affiliation_identifier_scheme': 'ROR', 'wave_contributor_affiliation_identifier_schemeuri': 'https://ror.org/', 'wave_contributor_identifier_schemeuri': 'https://orcid.org/', 'wave_contributor_identifier_type': 'ORCID', 'wave_contributor_name': 'van Rijn, Lotte', 'wave_contributor_pid': '0000-0001-7991-4793'}, {'wave_contributor_name': 'Koval, Soldado'}, {'wave_contributor_name': 'Hengeveld, Nikki'}, {'wave_contributor_name': 'Elkhoury, Caroline'}], 'wave_creator': [{'wave_creator_affiliation': 'Leiden University, Erasmus University Rotterdam, University of Cambridge', 'wave_creator_affiliation_identifier': 'https://ror.org/027bh9e22', 'wave_creator_affiliation_identifier_scheme': 'ROR', 'wave_creator_affiliation_identifier_schemeuri': 'https://ror.org/', 'wave_creator_identifier_schemeuri': 'https://orcid.org/', 'wave_creator_name': 'van IJzendoorn, Marinus', 'wave_creator_pid': '0000-0003-1144-454X'}, {'wave_creator_affiliation': 'Leiden University, Erasmus University Rotterdam', 'wave_creator_affiliation_identifier': 'https://ror.org/027bh9e22', 'wave_creator_affiliation_identifier_scheme': 'ROR', 'wave_creator_affiliation_identifier_schemeuri': 'https://ror.org/', 'wave_creator_identifier_schemeuri': 'https://orcid.org/', 'wave_creator_name': 'Crone, Eveline', 'wave_creator_pid': '0000-0002-7508-6078'}, {'wave_creator_affiliation': 'Leiden University, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam', 'wave_creator_affiliation_identifier': 'https://ror.org/027bh9e22', 'wave_creator_affiliation_identifier_scheme': 'ROR', 'wave_creator_affiliation_identifier_schemeuri': 'https://ror.org/', 'wave_creator_identifier_schemeuri': 'https://orcid.org/', 'wave_creator_name': 'Bakermans-Kranenburg, Marian', 'wave_creator_pid': '0000-0001-7763-0711'}, {'wave_creator_affiliation': 'Leiden University, Erasmus University Rotterdam', 'wave_creator_affiliation_identifier': 'https://ror.org/027bh9e22', 'wave_creator_affiliation_identifier_scheme': 'ROR', 'wave_creator_affiliation_identifier_schemeuri': 'https://ror.org/', 'wave_creator_identifier_schemeuri': 'https://orcid.org/', 'wave_creator_name': 'Engels, Rutger', 'wave_creator_pid': '0000-0003-1944-9126'}], 'wave_funding': [{'wave_funder_award_title': 'Gravitation program', 'wave_funder_identifier_schemuri': 'https://ror.org/', 'wave_funder_identifier_type': 'ROR', 'wave_grant_number': '024.001.003'}], 'wave_publisher': [{'wave_publisher_identifier': 'https://ror.org/027bh9e22', 'wave_publisher_identifier_type': 'ROR', 'wave_publisher_name': 'Leiden University'}, {'wave_publisher_identifier': 'https://ror.org/05xvt9f17', 'wave_publisher_identifier_type': 'ROR', 'wave_publisher_name': 'Leiden University Medical Center'}], 'wave_subject_codes': [{'wave_subject_code': 'CC', 'wave_subject_code_translated': 'Child on self'}]}] |
resources | [] |
tags | [] |
groups | [] |
relationships_as_subject | [] |
relationships_as_object | [] |
tracking_summary | {'total': 0, 'recent': 0} |