Friendship quality questionnaire (FQQ) - abbreviated version

The Friendship Quality Questionnaire (FQQ) assesses self-reported friendship quality. The questionnaire consists of 40 items in which children are asked to rate how true a statement is for their relationship with a specific friend. Subscales include Validation and caring, Conflict resolution, Conflict and betrayal, Help and guidance, Companionship and recreation, and Intimate exchange.

In Generation R, an abbreviated, 10-item version of the FQQ was administered when the children were 9 years old. Items were selected based on expert opinion and relevance to the Dutch elementary school setting. Items represented the subscales Validation and caring (e.g., ‘we give each other compliments’), Companionship (e.g., ‘we are always together during our break at school’), Conflict resolution (e.g., ‘if we are angry at each other, we always talk it out’), Intimate exchange (e.g., ‘we tell each other secrets’), and Help and guidance (e.g., ‘if we need to get something done, we will help each other’). Children rated the items on 3-point Likert scale.

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  • Generation R

  • 9-10 years
  •   CC
    8.7 - 12.5 years   From 2012-01-01 to 2016-12-31

    Mode of collection SelfAdministeredQuestionnaire
    Analysis unit Individual
    Instrument name Friendship quality questionnaire (FQQ) - abbreviated version
    Measure name Friendship
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