Self-Ordered Pointing Task (SOPT)

The Self-Ordered Pointing Task (SOPT) is a validated assessment of working memory. In the task, participants are presented with a set of pictures and instructed to select a different picture until all of the pictures have been selected once. Every time that participants select a picture, the order of all pictures is completely changed and the participants cannot select the same location twice in a row. The pictures can be concrete or abstract. The task includes four blocks that each consist of nine or twelve concrete or abstract pictures.

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  • Population cohort

  • POP - T4
  •   C
    18.0 - 21.0 years   From 2008-10-01 to 2010-09-30

    Mode of collection MeasurementsAndTests    Behavioral/cognitive task
    Analysis unit Individual
    Instrument name Self-Ordered Pointing Task (SOPT)
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