Parenting Scale (PS) - Overreactivity

The Parenting Scale (PS) is brief measure of parenting behavior and dysfunctional discipline. The PS was originally developed as a rating scale to measure dysfunctional discipline practices in parents of preschool-aged children (18 to 48 months of age) and can be used to identify ‘mistakes’ that may contribute to ineffectual efforts to discipline young children. The PS has also been used with parents of older children (up to 16 years). The PS identifies three stable factors of dysfunctional discipline style as (a) Laxness, (b) Overreactivity, and (c) Verbosity. The Laxness factor (11 items) describes the ways in which parents give in, allow rules to go unenforced, or provide positive consequences for misbehavior. The Overreactivity factor (10 items) reflects mistakes such as displays of anger, meanness, and irritability. The Verbosity factor (7 items) reflects lengthy verbal responses and a reliance on talking even when talking is ineffective.

In Generation R, the Overreactivity subscale from the Parenting Scale was administered to measure emotional reactivity in the context of discipline encounters (e.g., Things build up, I do things I don’t mean to, I often hold a grudge, and I give my child a long lecture). This subscale consists of 10 items reflecting mistakes such as displays of anger, meanness, and irritability.

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  • Generation R

  • 17-18 years
  •   MM FF
    17.0 - 18.0 years   From 2020-10-01 (ongoing)

    Mode of collection SelfAdministeredQuestionnaire
    Analysis unit Individual
    Instrument name Parenting Scale - Overreactivity
    Measure name Dysfunctional parenting in discipline situations
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