Infant Behavior Questionnaire Revised (IBQ-R)

The Infant Behavior Questionnaire (IBQ) and Infant Behavior Questionnaire-Revised (IBQ-R) were designed to measure temperament in infants between the ages of 3 and 12 months. The IBQ assesses dimensions of temperament, such as activity level, soothability, fear, distress to limitations, smiling and laughter, and duration of orienting, among others. The items on the IBQ ask parents to rate the frequency of specific temperament-related behaviors observed over the past week (or sometimes two weeks). The revised version referred to as the IBQ-Revised (IBQ-R) comes in a Short version (91 items; 14 scales) or a Very Short version (37 items; 3 broad scales).

In RADAR G3, the revised short version of IBQ was used (IBQ-R-S: 91 items), assessing the following subscales: Activity Level (7), Distress to Limitations (7), Approach (6), Fear (6), Duration of Orienting (6), Smiling and Laughter (7), Vocal Reactivity (7), Sadness (6), Perceptual Sensitivity (6), High Intensity Pleasure (7), Low Intensity Pleasure (7), Cuddliness (6), Soothability (7), Falling Reactivity/Rate of Recovery from Distress (6) Surgency/Extraversion (6), Negative Affectivity (4), and Orienting/Regulation (4).

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  • Third Generation

  • G3 - T1
  •   PC
    3 months - 4 months   From 2013-01-01 (ongoing)

    Mode of collection SelfAdministeredQuestionnaire
    Analysis unit Individual
    Instrument name Infant Behavior Questionnaire Short – Revised (IBQ-R S) _x000D_
    Measure name Behavioral control
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