12 measures found within RADAR
measure Interpersonal Reactivity Index (IRI)
Study: RADAR Mode of collection: SelfAdministeredQuestionnaire Available measurements: Old Cohort RO - W5 RO - W6 RO - W7 RO - W8 RO - W9 RO - W10 RO - W11 RO - W12 RO - W13 RO - W14
Young Cohort RY - W1 RY - W2 RY - W3 RY - W4 RY - W5 RY - W6 RY - W7 RY - W8 RY - W9 RY - W10 RY - W11The Interpersonal Reactivity Index is a measure of dispositional empathy that takes as its starting point the notion that empathy consists of a set of separate but related constructs. The instrument contains four seven-item subscales, each tapping into a separate facet of empathy.Created October 17, 2024 • Updated October 20, 2024 -
measure Prosocial Behavior
Study: RADAR Mode of collection: SelfAdministeredQuestionnaire Available measurements: Old Cohort RO - W5 RO - W6 RO - W7 RO - W8 RO - W9 RO - W10 RO - W11 RO - W12 RO - W13 RO - W14
Young Cohort RY - W1 RY - W2 RY - W3 RY - W4 RY - W5 RY - W6 RY - W7 RY - W8 RY - W9 RY - W10 RY - W11Prosocial Behavior (PB) assesses self-reported prosocial behavior with items such as "Usually I always fulfill my promises." and "I am willing to lend other people money if they really need it." It is based on the Self-report of Aggression and Social Behavior Measure by Morales & Crick and an adjusted version of Linder et al. (2002).Created October 17, 2024 • Updated October 20, 2024 -
measure Delinquent Behavior
Study: RADAR Mode of collection: SelfAdministeredQuestionnaire Available measurements: Old Cohort RO - W5 RO - W6 RO - W7 RO - W8 RO - W9 RO - W13
Young Cohort RY - W1 RY - W2 RY - W3 RY - W4 RY - W5 RY - W6 RY - W7 RY - W8 RY - W9 RY - W10Self-Report Delinquent Behavior measures the frequency of several kinds of criminal behavior in the past 12 months with items such as "Arrested by the police because of something you did.", "Broken into a building, house or store." or "Purposely hit or kicked someone on the street, in a pub or at school." This questionnaire is based on the international...Created October 17, 2024 • Updated October 20, 2024 -
measure Self-Report of Aggression and Social Behavior Measure (SRASBM)
Study: RADAR Mode of collection: SelfAdministeredQuestionnaire Available measurements: Old Cohort RO - W5 RO - W6 RO - W7 RO - W8 RO - W10 RO - W11
Young Cohort RY - W1 RY - W2 RY - W3 RY - W4 RY - W5 RY - W6 RY - W7 RY - W8The Self-Report of Aggression and Social Behavior Measure (SRASBM) assesses perpetrators and victims of proactive and reactive forms of overt and relational aggression. It includes nine subscales: Physical aggression total, Physical aggression proactive ("I try to get what I want by physically threatening someone."), Physical aggression reactive ("When...Created October 17, 2024 • Updated October 20, 2024 -
measure Utrecht-Management of Identity Committments Scale (U-MICS) - Partner identity
Study: RADAR Mode of collection: SelfAdministeredQuestionnaire Available measurements: Old Cohort RO - W5 RO - W6 RO - W7 RO - W8 RO - W9 RO - W10 RO - W11 RO - W12 RO - W13 RO - W14
Young Cohort RY - W4 RY - W5 RY - W6 RY - W7 RY - W8 RY - W9 RY - W10 RY - W11The Utrecht-Management of Identity Commitments Scale - Intimate Partner Identity (IP) assesses four processes: 1) partner commitment, partner in-depth exploration, partner reconsideration and partner in-breadth exploration as a youth self-report scale.Created October 17, 2024 • Updated October 20, 2024 -
measure Self-concept Clarity Scale (SCC)
Study: RADAR Mode of collection: SelfAdministeredQuestionnaire Available measurements: Old Cohort RO - W1 RO - W2 RO - W3 RO - W4 RO - W5 RO - W6 RO - W7 RO - W8 RO - W9 RO - W10 RO - W11 RO - W12 RO - W13 RO - W14
Young Cohort RY - W1 RY - W2 RY - W3 RY - W4 RY - W5 RY - W6 RY - W7 RY - W8 RY - W9 RY - W10 RY - W11The Self-Concept Clarity Scale (SCC) assesses the extent to which the self-image is clear, confidently defined, internally consistent, and stable over time.Created October 17, 2024 • Updated October 20, 2024 -
measure Police and Judicial Contact
Study: RADAR Mode of collection: SelfAdministeredQuestionnaire Available measurements: Old Cohort RO - W5 RO - W6 RO - W10
Young Cohort RY - W1 RY - W2 RY - W3 RY - W4 RY - W5 RY - W6 RY - W7Police and Judicial Contact (PJ/PZ) assesses self-reported police and judicial contact in the last year (based on suggestions by the Netherlands Institute for the Study of Crime and Law Enforcement).Created October 17, 2024 • Updated October 20, 2024 -
measure Conflict Resolution Style Inventory (CRSI)
Study: RADAR Mode of collection: SelfAdministeredQuestionnaire Available measurements: Old Cohort RO - W1 RO - W2 RO - W3 RO - W4 RO - W5 RO - W6 RO - W7 RO - W8 RO - W9 RO - W10 RO - W11 RO - W12 RO - W13 RO - W14
Young Cohort RY - W1 RY - W2 RY - W3 RY - W4 RY - W5 RY - W6 RY - W7 RY - W8 RY - W9 RY - W10 RY - W11The Conflict Resolution Styles Inventory (CRSI) assesses how people deal with conflicts, such through conflict engagement, problem solving, withrdawal and/or compliance as a self-report scale.Created October 17, 2024 • Updated October 20, 2024 -
measure Utrecht-Management of Identity Committments Scale (U-MICS) - Relational identity
Study: RADAR Mode of collection: SelfAdministeredQuestionnaire Available measurements: Old Cohort RO - W1 RO - W2 RO - W3 RO - W4 RO - W5 RO - W6 RO - W7 RO - W8 RO - W9 RO - W11 RO - W12 RO - W13 RO - W14
Young Cohort RY - W1 RY - W2 RY - W3 RY - W4 RY - W5 RY - W6 RY - W8 RY - W9 RY - W10 RY - W11The Utrecht-Management of Identity Commitments Scale - Relational Identity (IV) assesses four processes: 1) friend commitment, friend in-depth exploration, friend reconsideration and friend in-breadth exploration as a youth self-report scale.Created October 17, 2024 • Updated October 20, 2024 -
measure Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale (DERS)
Study: RADAR Mode of collection: SelfAdministeredQuestionnaire Available measurements: Old Cohort RO - W10
Young Cohort RY - W2 RY - W3 RY - W4 RY - W5 RY - W6 RY - W7The Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale (DERS) assesses aspects of emotion regulation, such as emotional awareness, emotional clarity, impulse control, difficulties with goal-directedness etc. , as a self-report questionnaire.Created October 17, 2024 • Updated October 20, 2024 -
measure Victimization
Study: RADAR Mode of collection: SelfAdministeredQuestionnaire Available measurements: Old Cohort RO - W5 RO - W6 RO - W7 RO - W8 RO - W9
Young Cohort RY - W1 RY - W2 RY - W3 RY - W4 RY - W5 RY - W6Victimization assesses the degree to which adolescents have been subject to others' delinquent and aggressive behaviors as self-report scale (based on Nieuwbeerta, 2002).Created October 17, 2024 • Updated October 20, 2024 -
measure Delinquent Friends
Study: RADAR Mode of collection: SelfAdministeredQuestionnaire Available measurements: Old Cohort RO - W5 RO - W6 RO - W7 RO - W8 RO - W9 RO - W10 RO - W11 RO - W12 RO - W13 RO - W14
Young Cohort RY - W1 RY - W2 RY - W3 RY - W4 RY - W5 RY - W6 RY - W7 RY - W8 RY - W9 RY - W10 RY - W11The Delinquent Friends/Basic Questionnaire Peers (BL) is a self-report scale that measures the level of delinquent behavior of friends and intensity of contact with peers.Created October 17, 2024 • Updated October 20, 2024