Activation-Deactivation Adjective Checklist (ADACL)
The Activation-Deactivation Adjective Checklist (AD ACL) is a multidimensional test of various transitory arousal states using a four-point self-rating system: “definitely feel” (4), “slightly feel” (3), “cannot decide” (2) or “definitely do not feel” (1). This questionnaire is scored by averaging five scores for each subscale: Energy, Tiredness, Tension, and Calmness.
Citation | Loading citation... |
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Constructs | |
Waves |
16.0 - 18.0 years From 2012-01-01 to 2014-01-01 |
Mode of collection | SelfAdministeredQuestionnaire |
Analysis unit | Individual |
References |
Measure was collected within the following cohort study:
Netherlands Twin Register Cohort study
Purpose | The research carried out by the Netherlands Twin Register focuses on the role of heritability in mental and physical health. For instance, the NTR investigates why some people become more easily depressed than others, or why certain people get diabetes while others do not. Other research areas include lifestyle and habits that influence health and disease, such as smoking, drinking and exercise. |
description | |
Alternate title |
Data access information |
Publisher | |
Principal investigators |
Cohort study international identifier | |
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Funding information |
Contact information |
References | |
Additional info (URL) | |
Additional information | |
Contributors |
Time method | Longitudinal |
Universe | The recruitment into the NTR is fully inclusive without any restrictions on enrolment. In the CID data catalogue, only the NTR projects for children and adolescents (<18 years of age) have been included. This is refered to as the Young Netherlands Twin Register (YNTR). |
Measure was collected within the following cohort(s):
NTR: Young Netherlands Twin Register Cohort
Alternate title |
Description | The Young Netherlands Twin Register (YNTR) consists of projects within the Netherlands Twin Register (NTR) that involve families with twins or other multiples under the age of 18. |
Purpose | The purpose of the projects within the Young Netherlands Twin Register focus on the role of heritability in mental and physical health. For instance, the NTR investigates why some people become more easily depressed than others, or why certain people get diabetes while others do not. Other research areas include lifestyle and habits that influence health and disease, such as smoking, drinking and exercise. |
Publisher | |
Creators |
Language |
Cohort international identifier | |
Funding information |
Cohort reference papers | |
Classification | |
Contact information | |
Waves | |
Contributors |
References | |
Country code | NL |
Geographic location | |
Lowest geographic reference | postal code |
Highest geographic reference | country |
Cohort universe description | Families with twins or other multiples under the age of 18. |
Analysis unit | |
Additional info (URL) | |
Additional information | |
Time method | Longitudinal.CohortEventBased |
Measure was collected within the following wave(s):
Wave alternate title |
Short description of the wave | The YE_FITNSS project aimed to investigate determinants of adolescent exercise behavior in a sample of healthy 16-18 year old twins born between 1993 and 1999 (mean age = 17.1 years, SD = .67 years) and their 12-25 year old siblings born between 1988 and 2000 (mean age = 17.2 years, SD = 3.24 years). Body composition was measured, as well as physical fitness (standing jump, hand grip, sit-and reach flexibility, balance tests). Impulsiveness of the subjects was assessed by the delay discounting questionnaire. Regular voluntary exercise behavior was measured by a short lifestyle interview. While being equipped with a VU University Ambulatory Monitoring System (VU-AMS) and Cosmed device, the subjects performed two submaximal exercise tests and one maximal exercise test. The VU-AMS device records electrocardiogram (ECG) data and impedance cardiogram (ICG) data. The Cosmed device measures oxygen consumption (VO2) and carbon dioxide production (VCO2). VO2max (endurance capacity) was derived during the maximal exercise test. Before, during and after the exercise tests, subjects filled out the Activation-Deactivation Adjective Checklist (AD ACL), Feeling Scale (FS) and the Borg’s Rating of Perceived Exertion (RPE) at multiple time points. These questionnaires determined the subjects’ affective response to exercise. DNA was collected through buccal swabs to determine zygosity. |
Type of StudyUnit | |
Publisher | |
Creators |
Funding information |
References | |
(sub) cohort | NTR: Young Netherlands Twin Register |
Life stage | |
Coverage percentage of the measurement for this wave | |
Start date wave collection | 2012-01-01 |
End date wave collection | 2014-01-01 |
Wave universe description |
Stage of measurement | |
Language |
Description of physical data product | Data collected through paper-and-pencil surveys have been scanned. All data digitally archived. |
Additional info (URL) | |
Additional information | |
Contributors |
author | None |
author_email | None |
creator_user_id | 34768773-4537-4d74-8d9d-11e2b32cbbaf |
dc_analysis_unit | {Individual} |
dc_cohort | NTR |
id | 9b7674f7-8831-457e-8616-d7819f03db22 |
isopen | False |
license_title | None |
maintainer | None |
maintainer_email | None |
metadata_created | 2024-10-17T12:43:12.864956 |
metadata_modified | 2024-10-20T12:54:38.908757 |
name | b8ceb49948d0f4f05febdeaf9dacef09 |
notes | The Activation-Deactivation Adjective Checklist (AD ACL) is a multidimensional test of various transitory arousal states using a four-point self-rating system: “definitely feel” (4), “slightly feel” (3), “cannot decide” (2) or “definitely do not feel” (1). This questionnaire is scored by averaging five scores for each subscale: Energy, Tiredness, Tension, and Calmness. |
num_resources | 0 |
num_tags | 0 |
organization | {'id': '45b26247-5cc8-4bf1-a214-3efb773faa3a', 'name': 'ntr', 'title': 'Netherlands Twin Register', 'type': 'organization', 'description': 'The Netherlands Twin Register (NTR) consists of individuals who have agreed to participate in twin-family studies and was established and is managed by the Department of Biological Psychology, VU University Amsterdam (see: The NTR was established in 1987 and has enrolled around 120.000 twins and a roughly equal number of their relatives. The majority of twin families have participated one or more times in survey studies on a host of epidemiological variables including social demography, personality, lifestyle, somatic and mental health, and subsamples took part in biomaterial collection (e.g. DNA) and dedicated projects for e.g. neuropsychological, biomarker, and behavioral traits. The recruitment into the NTR is fully inclusive without any restrictions on enrolment. The NTR is committed to actively seek the commitment of its participants to science and their continued involvement in NTR research by maintaining a website, electronic newsletters, and the MijnNTR portal that provides personalized feedback to participants. The NTR resources, e.g. the longitudinal phenotyping, the extended pedigree structures, and the multi-generation genotyping allow for future twin-family research that will contribute to gene discovery, causality modelling, and studies of genetic and cultural inheritance of behavioral traits and mental and physical health. In the CID data catalogue, only the NTR projects for children and adolescents (<18 years of age) have been included. This is refered to as the Young Netherlands Twin Register (YNTR).', 'image_url': '', 'created': '2024-10-17T13:43:56.356410', 'is_organization': True, 'approval_status': 'approved', 'state': 'active'} |
owner_org | 45b26247-5cc8-4bf1-a214-3efb773faa3a |
private | False |
state | active |
title | Activation-Deactivation Adjective Checklist (ADACL) |
type | measure |
cohort | [{'cohort_alternate_title': 'YNTR', 'cohort_description': 'The Young Netherlands Twin Register (YNTR) consists of projects within the Netherlands Twin Register (NTR) that involve families with twins or other multiples under the age of 18.', 'cohort_language': 'NL', 'cohort_purpose': 'The purpose of the projects within the Young Netherlands Twin Register focus on the role of heritability in mental and physical health. For instance, the NTR investigates why some people become more easily depressed than others, or why certain people get diabetes while others do not. Other research areas include lifestyle and habits that influence health and disease, such as smoking, drinking and exercise.', 'cohort_spatial_country_code': 'NL', 'cohort_spatial_highest_reference': 'country', 'cohort_spatial_lowest_reference': 'postal code', 'cohort_time_method': 'Longitudinal.CohortEventBased', 'cohort_title': 'NTR: Young Netherlands Twin Register', 'cohort_universe': 'Families with twins or other multiples under the age of 18.', 'cohort_contributor': [{'cohort_contributor': 'YNTR administration', 'cohort_contributor_affiliation': 'Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam', 'cohort_contributor_affiliation_identifier': '', 'cohort_contributor_affiliation_identifier_scheme': 'ROR', 'cohort_contributor_affiliation_identifier_schemeuri': ''}], 'cohort_creator': [{'cohort_creator_affiliation': 'Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam', 'cohort_creator_affiliation_identifier': '', 'cohort_creator_affiliation_identifier_scheme': 'ROR', 'cohort_creator_affiliation_identifier_schemeuri': '', 'cohort_creator_identifier_schemeuri': '', 'cohort_creator_identifier_type': 'ORCID', 'cohort_creator_name': 'Boomsma, Dorret I.', 'cohort_creator_pid': '0000-0002-7099-7972'}], 'cohort_funding': [{'cohort_funder': 'Dutch Research Council', 'cohort_funder_identifier': '', 'cohort_funder_identifier_schemuri': '', 'cohort_funder_identifier_type': 'ROR', 'cohort_grant_number': '480-15-001/674'}, {'cohort_funder': 'Dutch Research Council', 'cohort_funder_identifier': '', 'cohort_funder_identifier_schemuri': '', 'cohort_funder_identifier_type': 'ROR', 'cohort_grant_number': '575-25-006'}, {'cohort_funder': 'Dutch Research Council', 'cohort_funder_identifier': '', 'cohort_funder_identifier_schemuri': '', 'cohort_funder_identifier_type': 'ROR', 'cohort_grant_number': '480-04-004'}, {'cohort_funder': 'Dutch Research Council', 'cohort_funder_identifier': '', 'cohort_funder_identifier_schemuri': '', 'cohort_funder_identifier_type': 'ROR', 'cohort_grant_number': '911-09-032'}], 'cohort_publisher': [{'cohort_publisher_identifier': '', 'cohort_publisher_identifier_type': 'ROR', 'cohort_publisher_name': 'Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam'}], 'cohort_references': [{'cohort_reference_citation': 'Boomsma DI, de Geus EJ, Vink JM, Stubbe JH, Distel MA, Hottenga JJ, Posthuma D, van Beijsterveldt TC, Hudziak JJ, Bartels M, Willemsen G. Netherlands Twin Register: from twins to twin families. Twin Res Hum Genet. 2006 Dec;9(6):849-57. doi: 10.1375/183242706779462426. PMID: 17254420.', 'cohort_reference_identifier': '', 'cohort_reference_identifier_type': 'DOI', 'cohort_reference_type': 'IsDescribedBy'}, {'cohort_reference_citation': 'Boomsma DI, Willemsen G, Vink JM, Bartels M, Groot P, Hottenga JJ, van Beijsterveldt CE, Stroet T, van Dijk R, Wertheim R, Visser M, van der Kleij F. Design and implementation of a twin-family database for behavior genetics and genomics studies. Twin Res Hum Genet. 2008 Jun;11(3):342-8. doi: 10.1375/twin.11.3.342. PMID: 18498212.', 'cohort_reference_identifier': '', 'cohort_reference_identifier_type': 'DOI', 'cohort_reference_type': 'IsDescribedBy'}, {'cohort_reference_citation': 'van Beijsterveldt CE, Groen-Blokhuis M, Hottenga JJ, Franić S, Hudziak JJ, Lamb D, Huppertz C, de Zeeuw E, Nivard M, Schutte N, Swagerman S, Glasner T, van Fulpen M, Brouwer C, Stroet T, Nowotny D, Ehli EA, Davies GE, Scheet P, Orlebeke JF, Kan KJ, Smit D, Dolan CV, Middeldorp CM, de Geus EJ, Bartels M, Boomsma DI. The Young Netherlands Twin Register (YNTR): longitudinal twin and family studies in over 70,000 children. Twin Res Hum Genet. 2013 Feb;16(1):252-67. doi: 10.1017/thg.2012.118. Epub 2012 Nov 28. PMID: 23186620.', 'cohort_reference_identifier': '', 'cohort_reference_identifier_type': 'DOI', 'cohort_reference_type': 'IsDescribedBy'}, {'cohort_reference_citation': "Ligthart L, van Beijsterveldt CEM, Kevenaar ST, de Zeeuw E, van Bergen E, Bruins S, Pool R, Helmer Q, van Dongen J, Hottenga JJ, Van't Ent D, Dolan CV, Davies GE, Ehli EA, Bartels M, Willemsen G, de Geus EJC, Boomsma DI. The Netherlands Twin Register: Longitudinal Research Based on Twin and Twin-Family Designs. Twin Res Hum Genet. 2019 Dec;22(6):623-636. doi: 10.1017/thg.2019.93. Epub 2019 Oct 31. PMID: 31666148.", 'cohort_reference_identifier': '', 'cohort_reference_identifier_type': 'DOI', 'cohort_reference_type': 'IsDescribedBy'}]}] |
dc_DOI | [{'dc_identifier_type': 'DOI', 'dc_pid': '10.60641/hcpz-ke07'}] |
dc_constructs | [{'dc_construct': 'mental health'}] |
dc_labels | [{'dc_label': 'cognition'}, {'dc_label': 'exercise'}, {'dc_label': 'feelings'}, {'dc_label': 'arousal'}, {'dc_label': 'energy'}, {'dc_label': 'tension'}, {'dc_label': 'tiredness'}, {'dc_label': 'calmness'}] |
dc_measurement_references | [{'dc_measurements_references_citation': 'Thayer, R. E. (1986). Activation-Deactivation Adjective Check List: Current Overview and Structural Analysis. Psychological Reports, 58(2), 607–614.\n', 'dc_measurements_references_doi': '10.2466/pr0.1986.58.2.607'}] |
dc_modes_of_collection | [{'dc_mode_of_collection': 'SelfAdministeredQuestionnaire'}] |
measure_age_range | [{'measure_age_month': 192}, {'measure_age_month': 193}, {'measure_age_month': 194}, {'measure_age_month': 195}, {'measure_age_month': 196}, {'measure_age_month': 197}, {'measure_age_month': 198}, {'measure_age_month': 199}, {'measure_age_month': 200}, {'measure_age_month': 201}, {'measure_age_month': 202}, {'measure_age_month': 203}, {'measure_age_month': 204}, {'measure_age_month': 205}, {'measure_age_month': 206}, {'measure_age_month': 207}, {'measure_age_month': 208}, {'measure_age_month': 209}, {'measure_age_month': 210}, {'measure_age_month': 211}, {'measure_age_month': 212}, {'measure_age_month': 213}, {'measure_age_month': 214}, {'measure_age_month': 215}, {'measure_age_month': 216}] |
study | [{'study_alternate_title': 'NTR', 'study_language': 'NL', 'study_purpose': 'The research carried out by the Netherlands Twin Register focuses on the role of heritability in mental and physical health. For instance, the NTR investigates why some people become more easily depressed than others, or why certain people get diabetes while others do not. Other research areas include lifestyle and habits that influence health and disease, such as smoking, drinking and exercise.', 'study_time_method': 'Longitudinal', 'study_universe': 'The recruitment into the NTR is fully inclusive without any restrictions on enrolment. In the CID data catalogue, only the NTR projects for children and adolescents (<18 years of age) have been included. This is refered to as the Young Netherlands Twin Register (YNTR). ', 'title': 'Netherlands Twin Register', 'study_contact': [{'study_contact_affiliation': 'Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam', 'study_contact_mail': '', 'study_contact_name': 'NTR Data Management'}], 'study_contributor': [{'study_contributor_affiliation': 'Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam', 'study_contributor_affiliation_identifier': '', 'study_contributor_affiliation_identifier_scheme': 'ROR', 'study_contributor_affiliation_identifier_schemeuri': '', 'study_contributor_name': 'YNTR administration'}], 'study_data_access': [{'study_data_access_URL': '', 'study_data_access_description': 'Researchers with an approved data sharing request who abide by the rules of the European General Data Protection Regulation can receive temporary access to the NTR data for their own research projects.'}], 'study_funding': [{'study_funder': 'Dutch Research Council', 'study_funder_identifier': '', 'study_funder_identifier_schemuri': '', 'study_funder_identifier_type': 'ROR', 'study_grant_number': '480-15-001/674'}, {'study_funder': 'Dutch Research Council', 'study_funder_identifier': '', 'study_funder_identifier_schemuri': '', 'study_funder_identifier_type': 'ROR', 'study_grant_number': '575-25-006'}, {'study_funder': 'Dutch Research Council', 'study_funder_identifier': '', 'study_funder_identifier_schemuri': '', 'study_funder_identifier_type': 'ROR', 'study_grant_number': '480-04-004'}, {'study_funder': 'Dutch Research Council', 'study_funder_identifier': '', 'study_funder_identifier_schemuri': '', 'study_funder_identifier_type': 'ROR', 'study_grant_number': '911-09-032'}], 'study_principal_investigators': [{'study_pi_affiliation': 'Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam', 'study_pi_affiliation_identifier': '', 'study_pi_affiliation_identifier_scheme': 'ROR', 'study_pi_affiliation_identifier_schemeuri': '', 'study_pi_identifier_schemeuri': '', 'study_pi_identifier_type': 'ORCID', 'study_pi_name': 'Boomsma, Dorret I.', 'study_pi_pid': '0000-0002-7099-7972'}], 'study_publisher': [{'study_publisher_identifier': '', 'study_publisher_identifier_schemeuri': '', 'study_publisher_identifier_type': 'ROR', 'study_publisher_name': 'Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam'}], 'study_references': [{'study_reference_citation': 'Boomsma DI, de Geus EJ, Vink JM, Stubbe JH, Distel MA, Hottenga JJ, Posthuma D, van Beijsterveldt TC, Hudziak JJ, Bartels M, Willemsen G. Netherlands Twin Register: from twins to twin families. Twin Res Hum Genet. 2006 Dec;9(6):849-57. doi: 10.1375/183242706779462426. PMID: 17254420.', 'study_reference_identifier': '', 'study_reference_identifier_type': 'DOI', 'study_reference_type': 'IsDescribedBy'}, {'study_reference_citation': 'Boomsma DI, Willemsen G, Vink JM, Bartels M, Groot P, Hottenga JJ, van Beijsterveldt CE, Stroet T, van Dijk R, Wertheim R, Visser M, van der Kleij F. Design and implementation of a twin-family database for behavior genetics and genomics studies. Twin Res Hum Genet. 2008 Jun;11(3):342-8. doi: 10.1375/twin.11.3.342. PMID: 18498212.', 'study_reference_identifier': '', 'study_reference_identifier_type': 'DOI', 'study_reference_type': 'IsDescribedBy'}, {'study_reference_citation': 'van Beijsterveldt CE, Groen-Blokhuis M, Hottenga JJ, Franić S, Hudziak JJ, Lamb D, Huppertz C, de Zeeuw E, Nivard M, Schutte N, Swagerman S, Glasner T, van Fulpen M, Brouwer C, Stroet T, Nowotny D, Ehli EA, Davies GE, Scheet P, Orlebeke JF, Kan KJ, Smit D, Dolan CV, Middeldorp CM, de Geus EJ, Bartels M, Boomsma DI. The Young Netherlands Twin Register (YNTR): longitudinal twin and family studies in over 70,000 children. Twin Res Hum Genet. 2013 Feb;16(1):252-67. doi: 10.1017/thg.2012.118. Epub 2012 Nov 28. PMID: 23186620.', 'study_reference_identifier': '', 'study_reference_identifier_type': 'DOI', 'study_reference_type': 'IsDescribedBy'}, {'study_reference_citation': "Ligthart L, van Beijsterveldt CEM, Kevenaar ST, de Zeeuw E, van Bergen E, Bruins S, Pool R, Helmer Q, van Dongen J, Hottenga JJ, Van't Ent D, Dolan CV, Davies GE, Ehli EA, Bartels M, Willemsen G, de Geus EJC, Boomsma DI. The Netherlands Twin Register: Longitudinal Research Based on Twin and Twin-Family Designs. Twin Res Hum Genet. 2019 Dec;22(6):623-636. doi: 10.1017/thg.2019.93. Epub 2019 Oct 31. PMID: 31666148.", 'study_reference_identifier': '', 'study_reference_identifier_type': 'DOI', 'study_reference_type': 'IsDescribedBy'}, {'study_reference_citation': 'Bartels M, van Beijsterveldt CE, Derks EM, Stroet TM, Polderman TJ, Hudziak JJ, Boomsma DI. Young Netherlands Twin Register (Y-NTR): a longitudinal multiple informant study of problem behavior. Twin Res Hum Genet. 2007 Feb;10(1):3-11. doi: 10.1375/twin.10.1.3.PMID: 17539360.', 'study_reference_identifier': '', 'study_reference_identifier_type': 'DOI', 'study_reference_type': 'IsDescribedBy'}, {'study_reference_citation': 'Boomsma DI, Orlebeke JF, van Baal GC.Behav Genet. The Dutch Twin Register: growth data on weight and height. 1992 Mar;22(2):247-51. doi: 10.1007/BF01067004', 'study_reference_identifier': '', 'study_reference_identifier_type': 'DOI', 'study_reference_type': 'IsDescribedBy'}, {'study_reference_citation': 'Franić S, Dolan CV, van Beijsterveldt CE, Hulshoff Pol HE, Bartels M, Boomsma DI. Genetic and environmental stability of intelligence in childhood and adolescence. Twin Res Hum Genet. 2014 Jun;17(3):151-63. doi: 10.1017/thg.2014.', 'study_reference_identifier': '', 'study_reference_identifier_type': 'DOI', 'study_reference_type': 'IsDescribedBy'}]}] |
wave | [{'wave_alternate_title': 'Determinants of adolescent exercise behavior - the psychological response to exercise [YE_FITNSS]', 'wave_cohort': 'NTR: Young Netherlands Twin Register', 'wave_cohort_ckan_id': '6f88a94b0bf79a8304ba604c655c08a9', 'wave_description': 'The YE_FITNSS project aimed to investigate determinants of adolescent exercise behavior in a sample of healthy 16-18 year old twins born between 1993 and 1999 (mean age = 17.1 years, SD = .67 years) and their 12-25 year old siblings born between 1988 and 2000 (mean age = 17.2 years, SD = 3.24 years). Body composition was measured, as well as physical fitness (standing jump, hand grip, sit-and reach flexibility, balance tests). Impulsiveness of the subjects was assessed by the delay discounting questionnaire. Regular voluntary exercise behavior was measured by a short lifestyle interview. While being equipped with a VU University Ambulatory Monitoring System (VU-AMS) and Cosmed device, the subjects performed two submaximal exercise tests and one maximal exercise test. The VU-AMS device records electrocardiogram (ECG) data and impedance cardiogram (ICG) data. The Cosmed device measures oxygen consumption (VO2) and carbon dioxide production (VCO2). VO2max (endurance capacity) was derived during the maximal exercise test. Before, during and after the exercise tests, subjects filled out the Activation-Deactivation Adjective Checklist (AD ACL), Feeling Scale (FS) and the Borg’s Rating of Perceived Exertion (RPE) at multiple time points. These questionnaires determined the subjects’ affective response to exercise. DNA was collected through buccal swabs to determine zygosity.', 'wave_end_date_collection': '2014-01-01', 'wave_language': 'NL', 'wave_physical_data_product_description': 'Data collected through paper-and-pencil surveys have been scanned. All data digitally archived. ', 'wave_start_date_collection': '2012-01-01', 'wave_title': 'YE_FITNSS', 'wave_universe': '192-216', 'wave_contributor': [{'wave_contributor_affiliation': 'Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam', 'wave_contributor_affiliation_identifier': '', 'wave_contributor_affiliation_identifier_scheme': 'ROR', 'wave_contributor_affiliation_identifier_schemeuri': '', 'wave_contributor_identifier_schemeuri': '', 'wave_contributor_identifier_type': 'ORCID', 'wave_contributor_name': 'Schutte, Nienke M.', 'wave_contributor_pid': '0000-0002-8064-2569'}, {'wave_contributor_affiliation': 'Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam', 'wave_contributor_affiliation_identifier': '', 'wave_contributor_affiliation_identifier_scheme': 'ROR', 'wave_contributor_affiliation_identifier_schemeuri': '', 'wave_contributor_identifier_schemeuri': '', 'wave_contributor_identifier_type': 'ORCID', 'wave_contributor_name': 'Nederend, Ineke', 'wave_contributor_pid': '0000-0003-1873-9922'}], 'wave_creator': [{'wave_creator_affiliation': 'Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam', 'wave_creator_affiliation_identifier': '', 'wave_creator_affiliation_identifier_scheme': 'ROR', 'wave_creator_affiliation_identifier_schemeuri': '', 'wave_creator_identifier_schemeuri': '', 'wave_creator_name': 'de Geus, Eco J. C.', 'wave_creator_pid': '0000-0001-6022-2666'}, {'wave_creator_affiliation': 'Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam', 'wave_creator_affiliation_identifier': '', 'wave_creator_affiliation_identifier_scheme': 'ROR', 'wave_creator_affiliation_identifier_schemeuri': '', 'wave_creator_identifier_schemeuri': '', 'wave_creator_name': 'Bartels, Meike', 'wave_creator_pid': '0000-0002-9667-7555'}], 'wave_funding': [{'wave_funder_identifier_schemuri': '', 'wave_funder_identifier_type': 'ROR', 'wave_grant_number': '1R01DK092127-01'}, {'wave_funder_identifier_schemuri': '', 'wave_funder_identifier_type': 'ROR', 'wave_grant_number': 'RO1DK-092127'}, {'wave_funder_identifier_schemuri': '', 'wave_funder_identifier_type': 'ROR', 'wave_grant_number': '022.003.010'}], 'wave_publisher': [{'wave_publisher_identifier': '', 'wave_publisher_identifier_type': 'ROR', 'wave_publisher_name': 'Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam'}], 'wave_references': [{'wave_references_citation': 'Schutte, N. M. (2017). Unraveling the genetic components of voluntary exercise behavior in adolescents and young adults. ISBN: 9789463322126.', 'wave_references_identifier': '', 'wave_references_identifier_type': 'Handle', 'wave_references_type': 'IsDescribedBy'}], 'wave_subject_codes': [{'wave_subject_code': 'CC', 'wave_subject_code_translated': 'Child on self'}, {'wave_subject_code': 'SS', 'wave_subject_code_translated': 'Sibling (not part of multiple) on self'}]}] |
resources | [] |
tags | [] |
groups | [] |
relationships_as_subject | [] |
relationships_as_object | [] |
tracking_summary | {'total': 0, 'recent': 0} |